[email protected] Lisa Rehnberg. ** Annual tuition as presented includes a 2% pay-in-full discount. Tuition at Plymouth Christian is not a “one-size-fits all” model. TUITION: Grade Level Preschool - Kindergarten 1st - 5th Grade Middle School: Tuition* $8725 $8625 $8925 We understand that providing private school education may be a sacrifice for many families, but believe there is no investment with a … CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OF LOUISVILLE – English Station 2020-2021 Schedule of Tuition and Fees The mission of Christian Academy School System is to develop students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did in wisdom, stature and favor with God and men. (865) 690-4721. 6th-8th Grade Class Trips - $250 9th, 11th, 12th Grade Local Missions - TBD 10th Grade College Tour - $400 Senior Retreat - $250 Senior Fees - $350 It is Lexington Christian Academy’s desire to make a Christ-centered education available to as many families as possible. 2 Children 3 Children 4 Children 5 Children $500.00 $750.00 $1,250.00 See Business Office Round Rock Christian Academy is a Christ-centered, college-preparatory school equipping and developing students to effectively integrate Biblical truth and academic learning into Plymouth Christian Academy proudly offers Variable Tuition. 3% Tuition Discount - CCA is offering a 3% tuition discount for any annual tuition rate, regardless of financial aid if paid in full by July 31st.The 3% tuition discount will not apply to families on the 10-month tuition plan. We are proud to offer Tuition Assistance to support our students and their families. Family Fundraising Fee***. >Multi-student discount available. International Student Information – Click Here. Heirway Christian Academy 6758 Spring Street Douglasville, Georgia 30134 It’s a range. Tuition The following monthly payments are based on a 12-month pay schedule that runs from June 1 through May 1. Founded in 1981 and as a ministry of First Assembly of God, Christian Academy has committed to educating and equipping generations of children to be world-shakers and His-Story-makers. Annual Tuition Rate 2021-2022: $6,500. Variable Tuition adjusts tuition rates to meet your family’s unique financial position. K3/K4 - 9 am to 12 pm M/W/F. $16,800. For the first student in each family, the fee is $1,400; for each subsequent student from the same family, the fee is $900 per student. Our Tuition Assistance Program is managed by a third party, FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. In order to best partner with families in this Kingdom investment, we offer a variety of financial assistance options. The tuition for our Early Education program and Academy is linked above. It is our aim to minister to every family while offering a great education! If you are a new family joining us after the school year has started, tuition will be pro-rated according to how many days your student attends LCA during the year. Menu. 2020-2021 School Reg. Annual Tuition Payment (*tuition paid in full) – 10%; 2nd child + enrolled per family – 10%; Family Referral Program – $100 off of 1 month’s tuition (*referred student must enroll for discount to apply) LEON VALLEY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. 12-month payment plans are available by request. Intensive Study. *Tuition can be paid in 10 monthly installments (8/1/2019-5/1/2020). Both Bangor Christian and Temple, because of their biblical principles, refuse to hire LGBT teachers and wouldn’t accept tuition assistance from the state if … Enrollment – $250. Arrows Christian Academy. Facility Fee – $500. Grades 5-8 – $350. After two returned checks in a school year, no additional checks will be accepted. Lunch Menu. A quality Christian education is a lasting investment, one that strengthens your child for a life of purpose, service and leadership. Therefore, we offer the Titan Scholarship program, which helps to make our quality education available to as many students as possible. It is Lexington Christian Academy’s desire to make a Christ-centered education available to as many families as possible. Grades 9th-12th- $8,990. Ministry Support-$4,500. The fees and tuition provide the means for affordability of a Christian education. If you are seeking a Christian school in southern Pasco or northern Pinellas Counties, where students are challenged academically and encouraged to grow spiritually, consider First Christian Academy. TUITION: Grades K-5: $9,070| Grades 6-8: $9,890 | Grades 9-12: $11,579. Tuition – $10,750. K4: $6,025 (Half) or $7,625 (Full) K5: $6,075 (Half) or $7,675 (Full) Grades 1-5: $8,225. Faith Christian Academy proudly offers Variable Tuition. Tuition. Wake Christian Academy offers need-based tuition assistance for families. Reenrollment Fee for Returning Students. Read Content. Kindergarten through 8th grade - 8:30 am to 2:50 pm - Monday-Friday. Our friendly staff look forward to speaking with you about our academic program, and providing you with more details about tuition and fees. 6 th – 8 th Grades $7,800 / $780. PAYMENT PLANS: There are four payment plans offered by Harrells Christian Academy: annual, semi-annual, and two monthly plans. Jamie Lacy. About. CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. Parent’s Pay. At Torrington Christian Academy, we have great news! Round Rock Christian Academy is a private college-prepratory Christian school located in the heart of Williamson County. Spirit Wear Store. Alabama Christian Academy 2021-22 Tuition Grade Yearly 10 Month 12 Month 6th-12th Tuition 1st Student $10,150.00 $1,015.00 $845.84 Additional $9,350.00 $935.00 $779.17 1st-5th 1st Child $9,050.00 $905.00 $754.17 Additional $8,325.00 $832.50 $693.75 K2/K3/K4/K5 1st Child $6,950.00 $695.00 $579.17 Additional $6,400.00 $640.00 $533.34 ACTIVITY + TECHNOLOGY FEE* covers field trips, yearbook, outdoor education and updates to our technology program. $8,575. Christian Academy of Louisville –. Tuition. Tuition at Belvoir Christian Academy is not a “one-size-fits all.”. Tuition & Fees - Grace Christian Academy. A well-rounded program of academics, sports and arts combined with caring and highly qualified Christian teachers make GCA an exceptional environment for Christian high school students. Medina Christian Academy never stops working to make private Christian education affordable. Joshua Christian Academy Tuition and Fees . At Penn Christian Academy, we strive to provide a private school education at an obtainable price. Middle School Grades 6-8: $10,250. Primary & Intermediate Grades 1-5: $9,250. 2021 – 2022 Tuition Information Tuition Policy & Schedule. At Western Christian Academy, we offer quality education at a fraction of the cost of most private schools. To see a complete list of the tuition breakdown by plan, please click here. The tuition amounts above do not include class trips, mission trips, senior fees, dual credit courses, uniforms, school supplies, athletics, activity fees, and other miscellaneous expenses. RRCA is a thriving school with over 500 students enrolled in preschool through twelfth grades. Southwest. Harbor Leadership Academy is an independent, specialized school located in the Northwest Suburbs of Austin Texas. Annual and bi-annual payments can be made directly to the business office. No family at … Mt. >Multi-student discount available. Each year, LCA allocates a specific amount of funds for tuition assistance to provide to families who demonstrate and qualify for financial needs as determined by FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment, a third-party organization. $10,342. $3,900. At Westlake Christian Academy, we strive to make education available to families who value a strong academic education that is rooted in Christ, regardless of the family’s ability to pay.

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