At ID Law 2021, we took a closer look at the European Commission's proposals presented in December 2021. It is anticipated that the DSA will reinforce the single market for digital services and help provide businesses of all sizes with The European Parliament's legislative train schedule monitors the progress of legislative files identified in the 10 priorities of the European Commission Arcep . Public consultation on Digital Services Act package IRIS 2020-7:1/9 Ronan Ó Fathaigh Institute for Information Law (IViR) On 2 June 2020, the European Commission launched a public consultation on proposals for a Digital Services Act (DSA) package, which will be designed to modernise the current EU legal framework for digital services. Today the Commission has launched a public consultation on the Digital Services Act, a landmark package announced by President von der Leyen in her political guidelines and in the Commission's Communication "Shaping Europe's Digital Future" of 19 February. Print as PDF. other types of hosting services, such as web hosts, or services deeper in the Internet stack, PDF ICANN org Responses to the Public Consultation on the ... Miruna Herovanu, ACT Senior EU Policy Officer, speaks on DSA at 1:28:04. The internet was still in its infancy and there was no platform economy yet. However, contrary to the demands of some consumer associations and politicians, it does not include a general . The Digital Services Act will be a major reform of the regulation of online businesses operating in the EU or offering services in the EU. A video of all the sessions is now available. Digital Services Act 3 June, 2020 On the 2 June 2020 the European Commission initiated an open public consultation as part of its evidence-gathering exercise to inform the contents of the upcoming Digital Services Act (DSA) legislative package (expected to be put forward in late 2020). The Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act, and the ... Conference online - The new Digital Services Act Package ... The Digital Services Act Package will be discussed by the members of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. Online conference: The new Digital Services Act Package: a ... Have your say A possible Data Act (2021) to foster business to government data sharing in the public interest. The European Commission has an extraordinary chance to stop "offloading" state The consultation, which is open until 8 September 2020, covers a wide range of issues including online harms, online advertising, online competition, smart contracts and governance. The package is supposed to address the legal responsibilities of Digital Services Act package: Ex ante regulatory instrument for large online platforms with significant network effects acting as gate-keepers in the European Union's internal market Vodafone welcomes the publication of the European Commission roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment: Ex ante regulatory instrument for large online platforms with . They are aimed at increasing the responsibility of certain tech businesses for the way in which they operate and connect . The DSA is one of two proposals of the Digital Services Act package. Digital Services Act package, which aims at modernising the current legal framework for online intermediary services. The Digital Services Act package: Reflections on the EU Commission's policy options 2. Main issues and experiences A. The Digital Services Act package is intended to strengthen the Single Market for digital services and foster innovation and competitiveness of the European online environment. EU Digital Services Act Package - what lies ahead? The reality has changed a lot in just twenty years. The Federal Government wel- comes the initiative of the COM to review Directive 2000/31/EU of 8 June 2000 on electronic We regulate the broadcast, telecommunications, spectrum and postal sectors. The resolution on 'Digital Services Act - Improving the functioning of the Single Market' calls for an ambitious reform of the existing EU e-commerce legal framework while maintaining the core principles of its liability regime, the prohibition of general monitoring and the internal market clause, which it considers to be still valid . The second proposal in the package is the Digital Markets Act (DMA) presented by the European Commission on the same day. We believe in 'watching the watchers' and consider data a source of power. In July 2020, the European Commission has launched two public consultations about digital services and the role of platforms as gatekeepers (the so-called "Digital Services Act Package"). For companies doing business in the digital economy in Europe, this is arguably the most important legal development of the past 20 years. We urge that any measures taken should be clearly evidence based, targeted to deal with specific concerns, and proportionate to the harms that they wish to prevent. To guarantee the successful implementation of the European Commission's Digital Services Act package, the EDPS calls for a clear legal basis and structure for closer cooperation between the relevant oversight authorities, including data protection 1. These points include a ban on competing national-level . under the Digital Service Act (DSA) legislative package. illegal goods and content. It was organized online b. The Digital Services Act package. The European Commission is expected to unveil a proposed regulation this month that could bring about significant change to the digital landscape in the European Union, and potentially beyond. The Digital Service Act (DSA) is part of a proposed EU package which aims to overhaul the digital services market. The Digital Services Act legislative package aims to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of online users are protected, and to create a level playing field to foster innovation, growth and competitiveness. The DSA package covers both digital services and competition law. Today, 47 of the Fortune 50 companies rely on the IBM Cloud to run their business and IBM Watson The rationale is that there is substantial overlap between digital and non-digital markets with the digitalisation of the economy. Currently, it appears that, in lieu of the Digital Services Act, the European Commission will present a package of two legislative proposals: the DSA, intended to strengthen the EU single market and clarify digital services' responsibilities and liabilities, and the DMA, which will tackle the economic power of large online platforms (LoPs). The Digital Services Act Package is the result of a consultation of various stakeholders over the past five years leading to the consensus that, under the legal framework currently in force, there . What is the proposed DSA? […] The DSA will focus more on the "wild west" nature of the internet, i.e. DIGITAL SERVICES 8. The European Union is currently undergoing a major overhaul of its core platform regulation, the e-Commerce Directive. The Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act aim to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected and to establish a level playing field for businesses. They can inspire the best of society by democratising access to knowledge, powering business, and providing new opportunities for art and creativity. The Digital Services Act (DSA) Observatory is a new project run by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam, which kicked-off in January 2021.The DSA Observatory acts as a hub of expertise with respect to the "Digital Services Act" package presented by the European Commission in December 2020. Denmark: Digital Services Act Package Proposed. Ireland supports an approach to the development of a Digital Services Act package which supports business and innovation while protecting consumers. In 2020, the European Commission, the EU's executive, pledged to reshape Europe's digital future and to propose an entire package of new rules, currently called the Digital Services Act (DSA). However, it should not diminish or in any way restrict any possibilities currently at disposal to the Member States to act against illegal gambling. On 15 December 2020, the European Commission published its Digital Services Act package which proposes two pieces of legislation: the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act. Last update. The consultation seeks to gather views, evidence and data from people, businesses, online platforms, academics, civil society and all interested parties to help shape the . most notably the Digital Services Act (D SA), the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Data Governance Act (DGA) and the Regulation on a European approach for Artificial Intelligence (AIR). In its most significant regulatory intervention in the digital marketplace for two decades, the European Commission today published a proposal for a Digital Services Act package (DSA). Brussels, 21 August 2020 (DIGITAL SME). create opportunities for services to offer better data protection. 2 | P a g e The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) is an independent institution of the EU, responsible under Article 52(2) of Regulation 2018/1725 . The […] The Digital Services Act package is an initiative from the European Commission with two main pillars: first, online platforms' responsibility with respect to the content they publish and, second, the issues raised by the fact that certain large online platforms acting as gatekeepers control increasingly large and structuring ecosystems. Digital Services Act Package Warsaw, 8 September 2020 About Panoptykon Panoptykon Foundation is a Warsaw-based NGO with a mission to protect fundamental rights in the context of growing surveillance and fast-changing information technologies. 17 September 2021. The European Commission will soon upgrade the European Union's rules for digital platforms, services and products through the new Digital Services Act ("DSA", or the "DSA Package"). The Digital Services Act package is here. On 11 February 2021, ACT spoke at the European Audiovisual Observatory Conference on 'The new Digital Services Act Package', giving the commercial broadcasters' reaction to Commission DSA package. New and revised rules to deepen the internal market and This includes the two flagship initiatives on content moderation and competition in the digital economy. Both were published on 15 December 2020 and aim at modernising the current legal framework for digital services. As agreed in the 2nd BEREC Plenary, BEREC has prepared a response focused on ex-ante regulation for digital platforms in the context of . The packages included two new proposed regulations: the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act. "The online world is constantly evolving, and everything we do - and use - is becoming more digitalized. The Digital Services Act is one of the key building blocks of EC President Ursula von der Leyen's Digital Strategy. an examination of the latest new European legislation, the proposed Digital Services Package, and its implications for the European film, TV and VOD industries; a discussion of the consequences of this new regulatory model for online content providers such as broadcasters, VOD services and social media platforms. The European Commission proposed two legislative initiatives to upgrade rules governing digital services in the EU: the . While the Digital Services Act package is purely focused on digital markets and large online platforms, the option for a new competition tool to address structural issues could have implications beyond online markets. After several years of intense debates, the European Commission recently released its legislative overhaul of the EU digital rulebook.
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digital services act package