Because Beer Matters! Fremont Brewing Sara Nelson Our Story. 3409 Woodland Park Avenue North. Fremont Brewing Company. Similar trends were seen in the Position 9 at-large city council race between Sara Nelson and Nikkita Oliver, the former of whom won by a 54% to 46% margin. Nelson is the co-owner of Seattle’s celebrated Fremont Brewing. Related Content. Co-founder of Fremont Brewing Sara Nelson running for Seattle City Council Local politics is heating up as Mayor Jenny Durkan is not going to run for reelection, Seattle City Council President Lorena Gonzalez is going to run for mayor, and now Sara Nelson, co-founder of Fremont Brewing, will be running for Lorena Gonzalez’ vacant seat. Sara Nelson, Fremont Brewing, Seattle City Council, Seattle City Council Position 8, Election 2017. And their planet. ” Situated in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, an area once known to be very counterculture, the brewery strives to be independent in its products’ execution. PO BOX 27113. One of the owners of a Seattle brewery is hoping to earn a seat on the Seattle City Council Sara Nelson is one of the… The post Fremont Brewing’s Sara Nelson is running for Seattle City Council appeared first on Washington Beer Blog. She is a co-founder of the popular local small business, Fremont Brewing.Her campaign focuses primarily on small business recovery, aiming to revitalize Seattle’s economy after the downturn brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic Sara Nelson, co-owner of Fremont Brewing, has 58% of the citywide position. For those outside of the Ballard area, or new to Seattle altogether; Sara is the co-founder of Fremont Brewing in Ballard. City Allows Grant and Mosqueda Sara Nelson, co-owner of Fremont Brewing, has launched a bid for Seattle City Council. ... Sara Nelson Seattle, Washington, United States I'm an anthropologist, political hack, mother of two boys, and married to Fremont Brewing Company's founder, Matt Lincecum. “Most breweries are limping along,” said Sara Nelson, co-owner of Fremont Brewing. Sara Nelson, proprietaria di Fremont Brewing ed ex membro dello staff del membro del consiglio di lunga data Richard Conlin, è in corsa per il consiglio comunale. Sara Nelson is turning into Goodspaceguy 2.0. Sara Nelson, co-founder of Fremont Brewing, is running for Position 9 on Seattle City Council (Photo courtesy of Sara Nelson and Nikkita Oliver lead the race for 9th place on the Seattle City Council in the early primaries with 42.1% and 36.5% of the vote, respectively. An At-Large … Reigning Position 9 Councilor Lorena Gonzalez announced in […] Show Comments. Ecology blocks outside Seattle City Light’s substation in Ballard. A 30-year resident of Seattle, Nelson wants to put her success in business and city government to work for all … She is one of the owners. In Upper Fremont, at Infiniti Real Estate & Development, join with others concerned about the state of Seattle, and the need for a new face in Position #9 of the Seattle City Council. (* Title for identification purposes only.) I recently spoke with Sara about her candidacy and gained some insight as to why she is willing to take on the seemingly thankless job of serving on the Seattle City Council. Apr 2015 - Feb 201611 months. Nelson ran for election to the Seattle City Council to represent Position 9 At-Large in Washington. ... Sara Nelson Seattle, Washington, United States I'm an anthropologist, political hack, mother of two boys, and married to Fremont Brewing Company's founder, Matt Lincecum. From left: Seattle City Council candidates Sara Nelson, Brianna Thomas and Nikkita Oliver. Sara Nelson, Fremont Brewing, Seattle City Council, Seattle City Council Position 8, Election 2017. She was a legislative advisor for the City of Seattle Legislative Dept. by Sara Nelson I’ll cut to the chase: if you think things are going well in Seattle, I’m probably not the candidate for you. Sara Nelson, co-founder of Fremont Brewing and former policy advisor for Richard Conlin, is running for Seattle City Council. In a way, you can think of the city as a brewery. This Election Race Is (Probably) Going to Be Seattle’s Tightest. Sara Nelson of Green Lake, co-founder of the highly-regarded craft beer maker Fremont Brewing, is a well-qualified and capable candidate … "I endorse Sara Nelson for City Council Position 9 because she's a unifying force and we have to get over the politics of division." Fremont Brewing is a family-owned craft brewery founded in 2009, where they brew small batch artisan beers for “artists, fisherpeople, tradespeople, technology geeks, and lots of beer lovers.” I’m Sara Nelson and I’m a progressive small business owner and I’m running because I believe Seattle has lost its way. As the only candidate in this race with experience in both the public and private sectors, I’ll bring the pragmatic and experienced leadership needed right now to meet our city’s challenges as we emerge from this pandemic. Nelson is campaigning for the at-large Position 9 seat, for which the primary occurs on August 3, 2021. Fremont Brewing Co. co-founder Sara Nelson is joining a crowded field for the seat of retiring Seattle City Council member Tim Burgess, raising the possibility that a … Sara Nelson; Nikkita Oliver. Fremont was founded in 2008 by Matt Lincecum and his wife Sara Nelson. Sara Nelson, co-founder of Fremont Brewing, is running for Seattle City Council, Position 9, which is an at-large district covering all of Seattle. Sara Nelson, Fremont Brewing owner and a former staffer of longtime council member Richard Conlin, is running for City Council.

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