Seattle Times editorial board endorsements: Election 2020 ... Posted on October 13, 2020 at 7:00 am. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. The Stranger’s track record provides an easy guide for you as a voter. King County Young Democrats are pleased to announce our final endorsements for the 2021 election season. To participate in elections in the United States, you must be registered to vote. Forgot your password? Friday, October 15, 2021 5:00am. In a city with few Republicans, Seattle voters must comb through candidates representing varying shades of blue. City of Seattle Voter Guide. King County We need Ahmed’s voice and representation.” “Have met him multiple times IRL and he is great. A quick guide to voting in Washington | The Seattle Times Nov 4, 1994. Seattle and King County Primary Voter Guide 2021 Ballots are processed at the King County Elections headquarters in Renton on March 10, 2020. Election 2016: A quick guide to your primary ballot. There isn’t a good reason not to vote, but we do understand that sometimes it can be daunting to look at your ballot. Seattle Times Endorsements : Jim Johnson is endorsed for a second term on the Washington Supreme Court. Progressive Voters Guide Seattle Volunteers interview candidates and help provide ratings. City of Seattle - Progressive Voters Guide According to the Seattle Times, some of the system’s issues were “so troubling” they prompted King County officials to “use parts of King County’s existing system” to … All candidates were invited to record a statement the week of Sept. 7, 2021 for the General Election. Home - League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County Seattle Explore this year's races and ballot initiatives before ballots are due on Nov. 3. The Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. However, if it is close to an election, you may register but may not be able to vote in the next election if you do not register by the deadline for that election. Nguyen. Image: Jaime Archer. Contact Us Email: Phone: (206) 329-4848 LWV of Seattle-King County 1511 3rd Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98101 Led by Director Julie Wise, King County Elections conducts accurate, secure, and accessible elections for King County's over 1.4 million registered voters. By Race. Seattle Stranger (Alternative) Seattle Times - (Politics Section) Seattle Weekly (Alternative) Sound Politics (Conservative) Spokane Spokesman-Review / Spokane Valley Daily Herald Vancouver Columbian Washington Voter - League of Women Voters Wenatchee World Yakima Herald-Republic Ballot Measures. Public Health Notice. Statements are up to two minutes long and unedited. City of Seattle Voter Guide. Davison. In Washington State, the voting process is administered by the Washington Secretary of State. For more information on your ballot, in any county, go to: Oliver. Led by Director Julie Wise, King County Elections conducts accurate, secure, and accessible elections for King County's over 1.4 million registered voters. We need Ahmed’s voice and representation.” “Have met him multiple times IRL and he is great. 2021 primary voters guide: What you need to know about the Aug. 3 primary in the Seattle area July 12, 2021 at 9:15 am Updated Aug. 3, 2021 at 8:04 am Show caption The Seattle Channel Video Voters’ Guide. (Ted S. Warren/AP) 1:47 a.m. By Rosin Saez October 22, 2019 Published in the November 2019 issue of Seattle Met. The 2021 August primary may have set up more than just the top candidates Seattle will be voting for in November. The unanimous vote to make her the city council president in early 2020 speaks to her ability to lead collaboratively and make bold progressive change. King County Young Democrats are pleased to announce our final endorsements for the 2021 election season. Seattle Times editorial board endorsements: Election 2021 Seattle and King County | The Seattle Times. "King County voters to decide on turning prosecutor into a nonpartisan job," Seattle Times. When it comes to the Port of Seattle, this is going to be my day job. (Plus Cheat Sheet!) by Joe Copeland / July 21, 2016. The six-year levy was too expensive for rural homeowners, he said, and was too big an increase over previous levy funding. Seattle Metro Chamber. The Oregon Citizens Alliance and the Traditional Values Coalition jointly published 200,000 copies of the publication. Results will be posted Aug. 3 by 8:15 p.m. Hannah Krieg studied journalism at the University of Washington. There’s lots of formal language and unedited statements here , but you get to see the candidates themselves deliver them. Ballots are due by 8 … Bruce Harrell, back left, and Lorena Gonzalez are questioned Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021, in Seattle during the second of two debates before … Mr. Vote with Pride. During a time when our communities and country are divided, we’re out to remind people of the importance of this election and the importance of voting – my vote, your vote, every vote. Peruse our questionnaires here. Seattle Times editorial board endorsements: Election 2020 presidential, national and Washington state races Sep. 24, 2020 at 8:23 am Updated Oct. 30, 2020 at … John Creighton: I’m running for re-election in part because I've never been so optimistic about the Port of Seattle and our future.. Pete Lewis: There’s a lot of work that needs to be done. The Fuse Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. It was less about policy or ideology. Oct 20, 2002. The Seattle Times. seattletimes / st3-voter-guide. Reforming our state’s upside-down tax code and funding essential services has long been a priority for Fuse. Both The Seattle Times and The Stranger endorsed voting for this bill. According to The Seattle Times, as of the primary election he has never attended a port commission meeting. The Stranger's 2021 Gift Guide ... and in the 2019 Seattle City Council election make us think she could take second in this race if she got a … Statewide Ballot Measures Advisory Vote #36: ... As one of the city’s leaders through times of prosperity and times of hardship, she is committed to making the city of Seattle a place where all can thrive. Do you love the results of the current City Council, Seattle Public Schools, and Seattle’s public safety strategy overall? Candidates with an asterisk by their name indicate they are the incumbent for … The debt-ceiling 60-vote requirement is absurd, Biden said when asked about the filibuster -- which requires 60 votes to cut off debate -- at a CNN town hall on Thursday in Baltimore. Tuesday, August 3, 2010 — JUSTICE Jim Johnson deserves a second six-year term on the Washington Supreme Court. seattletimes. The Seattle Times 2012 Election Guide was built to help readers get the most important news and information as they mark their ballots. Tim Eyman's legal woes, K … Seattle Times editorial board endorsements: Nov. 2, 2021, general election. West Seattle-downtown light rail. The 2021 Seattle City Attorney election was held on November 2, 2021. Editor’s note: Learn about judicial races and measures on your ballot in part two of our election guide. We’ve also noted whether the candidates received endorsements from The Seattle Times and/or The Stranger. SEAMEC, the Seattle Metropolitan Elections Committee, has been interviewing, educating, and rating candidates on issues of importance to the LGBT community since 1977. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. As part of the continued effort to stop the spread of CoVID-19 in our community, King County Elections strongly recommends registering to vote , updating your registration , and accessing your ballot online when needed for the rest of the year. Hamdi Mohamed is a policy advisor for the King County Office of Equity and Social Justice and the former Deputy District Director for Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. st3-voter-guide. King County Election office workers Kyria Tietze, left, and Joseph Emanuel collect ballots from a drop box the morning of Aug. 7, 2018, in … Click on the photos to learn more about each candidate, or select "issues" to compare their answers side by side. Opinion. Bruce Harrell speaks to supporters, Tuesday, November 2, on election night in Seattle. This campaign aims to change hearts and minds about taxes, the role of government, and our economy, and help build public support for comprehensive revenue solutions that reform Washington’s upside tax code. Fred Felleman. The Supreme Court of Washington this week ruled against state schools chief Chris Reykdal, who sued his reelection opponent, Maia Espinoza, for defamation. Oct 27, 1998. A voter admitted to a hospital no earlier than five days before an election and confined to the hospital on Election Day may apply in writing for an absentee ballot to be delivered by messenger on Election Day. In the Washington State legislature, Senators are elected every four years and Representatives every two years. In Washington State, elections usually take place four times a year: February, April, August and November. Here are the current year election dates in Washington State: April 28, 2020 special election. The Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. Voters may register for in-person voting until Tuesday, Aug. 3. All Candidates. By Jennifer Sullivan and Christine Clarridge. All mail-in ballots must be postmarked by August 2.

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