phrases. remarkable learner ability to privilege correct input over incorrect input calls to mind Gleitman, Newport and Gleitman's (1984) observation that "the child is selective in WHAT he uses from the environment provided; he is selective about WHEN in the course of acquisition he chooses to use it; and he is selective in what he uses it FOR (i.e. Synonyms of "Memorable" as an adjective (6 Words) catchy. Remarkable Achievements synonyms - 54 Words and Phrases ... antonyms. remarkable - Meaning in Punjabi antonyms. Most Useful Synonyms for Commonly Used Adjectives in IELTS ... stellar: Relating to a star or stars. synonyms. Suggest or Ask for translation/definition Advertising From two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration. remarkable. If offers a wide ranging programme for all ages which in itself is a remarkable achievement for the organisers. A remarkable achievement. Naver English-Korean Dictionary remarkable learner ability to privilege correct input over ... The Peacebuilding Commission is a remarkable institutional and legal innovation. Best synonyms for 'remarkable achievement' are 'outstanding achievement', 'important achievement' and 'outstanding success'. Find another word for achievement. Warwolves also possess remarkable leaping ability. Wonderful Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus His golf destiny was written in the stars. Log in. Remarkable Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus solar: Relating to or determined by the sun. Antonyms for achievement. event, account, or fact: coincidence, discovery, fact, feature, phenomenon, story Bede's World tells the remarkable story of the life and times of the Venerable Bede, one of the greatest scholars of the Early Middle Ages. Achievement Sentence Examples Synonyms for Remarkable achievement. Milk and honey. event, account, or fact: coincidence, discovery, fact, feature, phenomenon, story Bede's World tells the remarkable story of the life and times of the Venerable Bede, one of the greatest scholars of the Early Middle Ages. Synonyms: notable, noteworthy. something done or achieved: achievement, career, feat, progress, recovery, success We raised the money in six months, a remarkable achievement. Set preferable publisher You can set preferable publisher. thesaurus. indelible. phrases. A stellar role . This was Simon . Synonyms of "Memorable" as an adjective (6 Words) catchy. sentences. synonyms. - a remarkable sight. A catchy title for a movie. thesaurus. fabre - fundy - janáček - khmer - li po - achievement - acrobatics - acumen - apparition - attain - beatinest - beaut - bodacious - bonzer - box - breathtaking - cat's meow - cat's pajamas - characterful - coincidence - die - dilly - extraordinaire - extraordinary - fantastic - feat - finger - gapeseed - go - great - group - heck - hellacious - … haunting. being similar: resemblance . Find 20 ways to say GREAT ACHIEVEMENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find 71 ways to say REMARKABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for remarkable Synonyms bizarre, bizarro, cranky, crazy, curious, eccentric, erratic, far-out, funky, funny, kinky, kooky (also kookie), odd, off-kilter, off-the-wall, offbeat, out-of-the-way, outlandish, outré, peculiar, quaint, queer, queerish, quirky, rum [ chiefly British], screwy, spaced-out, strange, wacky (also whacky), way-out, Synonyms for achievement in Free Thesaurus. antonyms. Log in. remarkable: [adjective] worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary. haunting. 54 other terms for remarkable achievements- words and phrases with similar meaning. impressive: amazing, considerable, exceptional, extraordinary, fantastic, great, impressive, major, no mean, notable, outstanding, remarkable, significant, tremendous What do you . definitions. Lists. stellar: Relating to a star or stars. You can complete the list of synonyms of a remarkable achievement given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. phrases. Apart from the single word synonyms for "success," "milk and honey" is a great choice if you want to add a greater number of words to your phrase or sentence. Remarkable things get your attention. 2 unusual, striking, or extraordinary. He was a remarkable man. Examples. See more. synonyms for great achievement Compare Synonyms accomplishment achievement attainment chef-d'oeuvre conquest deed exploit feat feat of strength grand achievement magnum opus master stroke masterpiece masterwork performance pièce de résistance stroke of genius success triumph victory . Parts of speech. Parts of speech. Their ascendancy to the best service provider in the market is truly remarkable. Best synonyms for 'remarkable achievement' are 'outstanding achievement', 'important achievement' and 'outstanding success'. synonyms for remarkable Compare Synonyms curious exceptional important impressive miraculous momentous notable noteworthy noticeable odd outstanding phenomenal rare significant singular solid strange striking surprising uncommon unique wonderful arresting arrestive conspicuous distinguished famous gilt-edged greatest marked peculiar preeminent Lists. Adjectives frequently used with achievement. 139 other terms for remarkable achievement- words and phrases with similar meaning. What does the word remarkable mean? Definition. (of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable. 36 synonyms for achievement: accomplishment, effort, feat, deed, stroke, triumph, coup, exploit . 2 (adjective) in the sense of remarkable. English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. See more. What does the word remarkable mean? Dictionary Using Tips. Solar heating. Noun (by extension) Positive or favorable outcomes results accomplishments triumphs success victories wins attainments feats masterstrokes realizations US realisations UK successes acquirements implementations executions fulfilments fulfillments consummations fruitions performances productions acquisitions skills completions procurements lifework Synonyms. The suffixes ness, bly, and ty can be added to the end of remarkable to form the . It was a remarkable achievement. remarkable: Worthy of attention; striking. adj. It is quite remarkable that doctors have been so wrong about this. Synonyms well-known, celebrated, acclaimed, notable, noted, excellent, signal, honoured, remarkable, distinguished, prominent, glorious, legendary, renowned, eminent, conspicuous, illustrious, much-publicized, lionized, far-famed Video: pronunciation of remarkable You may also like English Quiz Confusables English Translation of 'remarkable' "a remarkable achievement" synonyms: noteworthy important, significant. Synonyms for ACHIEVEMENT: accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, baby, coup, success, triumph, commission; Antonyms for ACHIEVEMENT: nonachievement, nonfulfillment . definitions. Poignant; evocative. Synonyms for due include owed, payable, owing, outstanding, unpaid, awaited, expected, overdue, scheduled and unsettled. Poignant; evocative. The suffixes ness, bly, and ty can be added to the end of remarkable to form the . A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich each day. Synonyms for Remarkable Achievement (other words and phrases for Remarkable Achievement). 11. surprising. worthy of attention because interesting, significant, or unusual. A stellar role . a remarkable sight. (of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable. Synonyms for 'Remarkable achievement'. Find more similar words at! In this page you can discover 80 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for achievement, like: accomplishment, victory, conquest, masterwork, encompassment, feat, feather-in-one-s-cap, acquirement, acquisition, act and attainment. sentences. According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary of the English language, the word remarkable is an adjective that refers to achievements that are worthy of notice, or a noteworthy fact or noteworthy thing that is worthy of attention.

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