The Word of Promise Audio Bible - New King James Version, NKJV: New Testament audiobook, by Thomas Nelson. Published by Thomas Nelson Inc, 2007. The Word of Promise New Testament on CD: 9780718081669 ... The Word Of Promise Next Generation New Testament Devotion Why Should I Choose Jesus The Word Of Promise Next Generation Devotional & Journal|Thomas Nelson, National Geographic Learning Reader Series Water Challenges & Policy of Freshwater Use|National Geographic Learning, Poetic Workmanship of Alexander Pope|Rebecca Price Parkin, Mental diseases A handbook dealing with diagnosis and . And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise. The word of promise [(CD) sound recording] : New Testament audio Bible. And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Word of Promise Scripted New Testament-NKJV (2015, Compact Disc) at the best online prices at eBay! The Word of Promise® on Vimeo 5 out of 5 stars; great By Amazon Customer on 06-06-17 The Word of Promise Audio Bible - New King James Version, NKJV: (32) 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon . $5.00. The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-CD set and includes a bonus "Behind-the-Scenes" DVD. NKJV Word of Promise Old Testament Audio Bible - Olive ... The Word of Promise Audio Bible New Testament NKJV ... The Word of Promise™ Christmas Story features original music from the gifted and world renowned guitarist-Dove Award winner, Phil Keaggy, along with a faithful rendering presentation of the New King James Version text selected from The Word of Promise™ New Testament Audio Bible. The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-CD set and includes a bonus "Behind-the-Scenes" DVD. The New Testament explains the person and work of Christ by showing how he fulfills the Old Testament. PROMISE. Details for: The word of promise New Testament audio Bible. This faithful rendering of the New King James Version presents the Bible in more than 90 hours of compelling, dramatic audio theater format. Listen anywhere when you download "The Word of Promise(TM) New Testament" "Audio Bible" to your MP3 player. say. This engaging screenplay format enables you to experience the power and drama of the New Testament in a fresh . Each beloved book of the Bible comes to life . God promised new life in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and to your descendants forever. Quantity: Listen to the Bible in a Compelling, Dramatic Audio Theater Format. Complete with an original music score by prolific Italian composer Stefano Mainetti and movie quality sound . New Testament Unconditional Promises. Made for Bible readers looking for a solid word-for-word translation with modern language, the NKJV reads at an 8th grade reading level.2007 Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.". Cast Includes: Jim Caviezel ( The Passion of The Christ, Déjà vu ) - Jesus Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss ( Mr. Holland's Opus, The Goodbye Girl ) - Quotes from Moses Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei ( My Cousin Vinny, What . Word of Promise New Testament NKJV Audio Bible Audio CD - Content/Copy-Protected CD, January 1, 2007 by Nelson (Author) 4.8 out of 5 stars 331 ratings Cast Includes: Jim Caviezel (The Passion of The Christ, Deja vu) - Jesus Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss (Mr. Holland's Opus, The Goodbye Girl) - Quotes from Moses Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny, What Women Want . And they can't get enough! Holy Bible;NKJV The Word of Promise: New Testament by Anonymous. Description. The Word of PromiseT New Testament MP3 Audio Bible is a star-studded audio Bible production, and this multi-voiced, scripted dramatization of the New King James Version (NKJV) is presented in a compelling, dramatic audio theater format. EXTRA 5% OFF WITH CODE GIMMIEFIVE See all eligible items and terms. The Word of Promise is an audio Bible, dramatized by an all-star cast of actors, including Jim Caviezel as Jesus, Richard Dreyfus as Moses, Gary Sinise as David, Jason Alexander as Joseph, Marisa Tomei, Louis Gossett Jr., and over 600 actors contributing to this timeless work. This multi-voiced, scripted dramatization of the New King James Version (NKJV) features a star-studded cast of actors, an original music score, and incredible feature film quality sound effects. The Word of Promise New Testament NKJV Audio Bible 20 CD Set by Thomas Nelson. The Word of Promise New Testament: New King James Version (9781418534363) and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Our Price. The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-CD set and includes a bonus "Behind-the-Scenes" DVD. The Word of Promise New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-CD set and includes a bonus "Behind-the-Scenes" DVD. Including the bonus "Behind the Scenes" DVD .and Michael W. Smith's New Song "The Promise" _____ Tell others about Jesus like the Apostles did: The Word of Promise. And they can’t get enough! The New King James Version is a modern language update of the original King James Version. Winner of the 2008 Christian Book of the Year award! This faithful rendering of the New King James Version® is presented in a compelling, dramatic audio theater format and features performances by Richard Dreyfuss . This multi-voiced, scripted dramatization of the New King James Version (NKJV) is presented in a compelling, dramatic audio-theater format. This world-class audio production immerses listeners in the dramatic reality of the Scriptures with an original music score by composer Stefano Mainetti (Abba Pater), feature film quality sound effects, and the compelling narration by Michael York and the . Cast Includes: • Jim Caviezel (The Passion of The Christ, Deja vu) - Jesus • Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss (Mr. Holland's Opus, The Goodbye Girl) - Quotes from Moses God promised every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). This ambitious recording makes the Word accessible to more kids . Made for Bible readers looking for a solid word-for-word translation with modern language, the NKJV reads at an 8th grade reading level. that are used instead. Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss ( Mr. Holland's Opus, The Goodbye Girl) - Quotes from Moses. The Word of Promise: New Testament NKJV Audio Bible on 20 CD with Zipper Wallet . Coose an Option. Add to Cart. Whereas, in the Old Testament, Israel had the promise of physical blessing, the church today has been promised spiritual blessings "in the heavenly realms." Today's youth ingest media at a faster rate than any previous generation. Hear the Bible come alive "The Word of Promise(TM) New Testament MP3 Audio Bible" is a star-studded audio Bible production, and this multi-voiced, scripted dramatization of the New King James Version (NKJV) is presented in a compelling, dramatic audio theater format. Professional voices, sound effects, it's a classic. 5 out of 5 stars; The Word of Promise Audio Bible NKJV By Mark P. Owens on 03-28-17 Sample The Word of Promise Audio Bible - New King James Version, NKJV: (27) John; By . 5 out of 5 stars; The Word of Promise Audio Bible NKJV By Mark P. Owens on 03-28-17 Sample The Word of Promise Audio Bible - New King James Version, NKJV: (27) John; By . The Word of Promise New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-hour, star-studded audio Bible production. The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-CD set and includes a bonus "Behind-the-Scenes" DVD. promise. Today’s youth ingest media at a faster rate than any previous generation. That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants. Many are not in the exact form of a promise but they contain claims for gospel benefits, so they are listed as promises. $15.99. This ambitious recording makes the Word accessible to more kids than ever before. For when God made the promise to Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, "I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply you.". In our lives, God has good plans for us, filled with hope and a future. Buy Item. 20 CD-Set. . The New Testament has 750 promises, but due to the fact that many of the promises are repeated in different books, there are only 250 separate promised benefits. Now the entire New Testament is ready for the Wired Generation. From national television and radio exposure to an Internet, print, and retail blitz, the marketing support for The Word of Promise® set a new standard for a brand launch. Enjoy the breathtaking music encountered throughout the New Testament in one concise CD. The Word of Promise ® Old Testament Audio Bible features a star-studded cast, motion picture sound effects, and a captivationg original musical score. Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss ( Mr. Holland's Opus, The Goodbye Girl) - Quotes from Moses. This world-class production creates a dramatic audio theater experience that makes you feel like you're . This first-rate remarkable WOP audio production immerses listeners in the truth of the Scriptures with impressive performances by a star-studded cast of stars led . Salvation is the beginning of a brand-new existence. The Word of Promise New Testament Audio CD Set. For more information on the different Bible translations, view our Bible Translation Guide. Hebrews 11:11. Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei ( My Cousin Vinny, What . Here are 21 New Testament promises that we can hang on to. This world-class audio production immerses listeners in the dramatic reality of the Scriptures as never before, with an original music score by composer Stefano Mainetti (Abba Pater . The Word of Promise New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-hour, star-studded audio Bible production. Experience the Old Testament like never before -- brought to life in dramatized in a way that will fully immerse you in God's Word and leave you wanting more. Word of Promise - New Testament Audio Bible (Download) Download now to your iPod, phone, or computer! Quantity. The Word of Promise: New Testament Audio Bible (9780718024246) by Thomas Nelson Publishers and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. The launch of The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible marked the largest campaign in the history of Thomas Nelson Bibles. The Word Of Promise New Testament Soundtrack CD The Original Music Score By Stefano Mainetti. Enhance your The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible listening experience!. Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. This product is part of our current promotion. These are unconditional - that means FREE to us. Free trial available! The Word of Promise audio Bible download is available in in two formats. $24.99 + $3.82 shipping + $3.82 shipping + $3.82 shipping. This is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life. Boasting a cast of notable actors, THE WORD OF PROMISE provides a captivating rendering of the New Testament. - NKJV New Testament - Dramatized audio performance - 20 CDs - Bonus: Behind-the-Scenes DVD The New King James Version is a modern language update of the original King James Version. This faithful rendering of the New Testament in the New King James Version (NKJV) presents the Bible in compelling, dramatic audio theater format with world-class audio production. Contributor(s): Amari, . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Testament The Word of Promise Audio NKJV Bible 20 CD Set in Zip Case B6 at the best online prices at eBay! From world-renowned Italian composer, Stefano Mainetti, (Abba Pater) comes the brilliant musical score for The Word of Promise Audio Bible. Listening to God's Word Come to Life: The Word of Promise New Testament Audio Bible #BookReview Buy Item. Editions for Holy Bible;NKJV The Word of Promise: New Testament: 0718024249 (Audio CD published in 2007), 0840783574 (Hardcover published in 1993), 15581. "the word of promise" new testament audio bible: (review) "The Word of Promise" audio bible is a great idea for audio bibles. Cast Includes: Jim Caviezel ( The Passion of The Christ, Déjà vu ) - Jesus Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss ( Mr. Holland's Opus, The Goodbye Girl ) - Quotes from Moses Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei ( My Cousin Vinny, What . The Word of Promise. ™. By Tapping the Old or New Testament Titles you can further control what audio to keep or to delete according to your needs and storage space on your device The Word of Promise Standard Audio is 1.3 GB The Word of Promise Enhanced Audio is 4 GB Select the Delete icon to erase the audio of a book Tap folder with the down arrow to download it I love listening to audio Bibles and listen to them daily, so I was excited to add a new one to my library. Instead of relying on a sole narrator, the Bible is read by a cast of members, giving the listener a sense of hearing actual conversations. His breakthrough role, however, was another military assignment, the brooding pacifist Private Witt in Terrence Malick's The Thin Red Line (1998), alongside Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, and . The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-CD set and includes a bonus "Behind-the-Scenes" DVD. Free shipping for many products! Free shipping for many products!
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