who would win juggernaut or thanos? Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey. Who would win between Omni-Man and Thanos? - Comics Who defeated Galactus? I'm here with a ne. In a straight-up brawl, Superman would likely win pretty handily. Thanos would definetly win. He always has a back up plan. Phoenix & Scarlet Witch Vs Thanos & Galactus - Battles ... What is the normal phase of Krypton? - Restaurantnorman.com While he gifts portions of it to his Heralds, the great power it gives them is but a paltry drop from the vast ocean of power that Galactus himself wields. Thor Finally Kills Galactus (But Unleashes Something Worse?) Thanos is powerful, able to go toe to toe against Odin, without any enhancement's whatsoever, no gauntlet, no cosmic cube, nothin'. RELATED: Thanos Vs. Anti-Monitor: Who Would Win? Thanos vs. Galactus : whowouldwin - reddit If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Thanos is certainly no slouch, having taken out two powerful marvel heroes with one slap, but Superman's strength outclasses almost everyone the Mad Titan has ever fought, and the kryptonian has too many tricks up his sleeve for Thanos to counter. Who would win, Galactus or Eternity Entity? - Quora Although it's a close fight at first, Thanos would have the upper hand against the Silver Surfer and win. Question 20. Marvel have thrown iconic villains like Galactus to the curb so that Thanos comes out on top. Thanos has blasted Galactus across a planet WITHOUT the Infinity Gauntlet. Marvel Characters Who Could Defeat Galactus In Seconds Depending on the actual powers of the other Stones, Thanos could even take over Goku's soul or his mind. Thanos is often at the center of a fight and has routinely taken down the best Marvel has had to offer him; in the comics has battled against the likes Silver Surfer, Beta Ray Bill, Thor, and even held his own against Galactus (while he eventually lost the fight against the World-Eater, even getting a solid hit in is a feat worth mentioning . Thanos is an Eternal with the Deviant gene which makes practically God-like. He is a master combatant and incredibly skilled, and can slice through a shield Mjolnir could not dent. It's truly a shame that Marvel Studios can't use the Silver Surfer, because he is an integral part of Infinity Gauntlet. … hulks strength is over 100 tons, galactus can lift well beyond any form of measurement and he use his cosmic might to increase it into planet pulverizing strength. Galactus wields the Power Cosmic, a power source that makes him akin to a god. " Odin can win if Galactus is hungry or weak Did you see how Thanos knocked Galactus down, Odin can maybe do even worse to the big Galactus " Thanos was begging for his mercy two panels later. Thanos was created by Jim Starlin and made his debut in The Invincible Iron Man #55 (1973) and has since become one of the best-known villains in the Marvel universe. Galactus is older than the Marvel Universe itself, hailing from a prior version of reality. 9 years ago. Answer (1 of 2): Quick answer: Galactus. Wiki Points . Related: Thanos vs Galactus: Who Would Win in a Fight? Sure, Thanos beat Galactus and a dozen other cosmic beings singlehandedly with the Infinity Gauntlet, but in 2003's Thanos #6 he beat Galactus to save a civilization and save Galactus from a greater threat. Thanos never fought him because he knew it was futile, when . If Thanos is in possession of the Infinity Gauntlet then there is no chance that the Surfer could win, he is simply outgunned. In a straight-up brawl, Superman would likely win pretty handily. Thanos Vs Galactus*NEW* CHANNEL - Fortnite Central: http://bit.ly/2HeBjNRHey guys! Secondly, there is also a possibility that Thanos could kill . 6y. Thanos is suspect number 1 in all realities. Thanos is often at the center of a fight and has routinely taken down the best Marvel has had to offer him; in the comics has battled against the likes Silver Surfer, Beta Ray Bill, Thor, and even held his own against Galactus (while he eventually lost the fight against the World-Eater, even getting a solid hit in is a feat worth mentioning . Likewise, Thanos could change reality and erase Deadpool's healing factor from his body, making the merc with a mouth as vulnerable as a mere mortal. If you mean All-father Hercules and All-Father Thor, it definitely gets more interesting. After that, Galactus shit stomps. Related: Dormammu vs Thanos: Which Marvel Villain Would Win a Comic Fight. While Galactus and Uatu should have the hax and sheer power to dominate the team, the team is still full of heavy-hitters. "I knew it!" exclaims the Mad Titan. He has intelligence on par with Mister Fantastic and Dr. Doom, so he could outwit Thor. Follow 3947. If they face ahungrey Galactus their chances of wining is great, but if it's a normal or full powered Galactus they will get smoked. At last, the Infinite Blast prevails and it consumes Beerus. Fans have always wondered who would win the Galactus vs Thanos fight, two of the most potent and dreaded villains in the Marvel Universe. Marvel have thrown iconic villains like Galactus to the curb so that Thanos comes out on top. Can Superman kill Galactus? This is why they are on equal terms, ultimately. "I knew it!" exclaims the Mad Titan. Living Tribunal/ White Crown Phoenix/ True . He even found it cool that she beat the crap out of Thanos. I give it to Team Galan 10/10. It allows him to perform feats that would be impossible for anyone short of, well, Galactus. The Celestials are considered some of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe - often held up as supremely powerful - but both Knull and Galactus have shown the ability to defeat them. This would mean he could easily kill and defeat the host body of the Ghost Rider. The outcome of this fight may change, however, if Thanos is given his most iconic piece of clothing - the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos would win here but this isnt really a fair match, it would be like saying "who would win between these two boxers, oh, boxer 1 has a machine gun by the way". The X-Men are no slums, but there's plenty of reason why the Avengers would defeat them in battle. Even him getting the stones had him out smart and or kill the immortals that kept them. Thanos is certainly no slouch, having taken out two powerful marvel heroes with one slap, but Superman's strength outclasses almost everyone the Mad Titan has ever fought, and the kryptonian has too many tricks up his sleeve for Thanos to counter. Answer (1 of 5): This is a universal scoring card for all characters and entities within the Prime Marvel Universe, Earth 616. August 19, 2021. She has single handedly defeated Thanos and she has "defeated" Galactus in the past. Thanos can face her, but NOT defeat her. Related: Dormammu vs Thanos: Which Marvel Villain Would Win a Comic Fight. Thanos is Marvels golden boy. Galactus and Knull's power is cosmic in nature, with each capable of laying waste to whole planets. He had won most of their comic book battles and even defeated Galactus himself - the being who created the Silver Surfer as his herald. While he gifts portions of it to his Heralds, the great power it gives them is but a paltry drop from the vast ocean of power that Galactus himself wields. Round 1: Random encounter. With most of the planets, Thor tries to evacuate the residents to Asgard as refugees, only then allowing Galactus to do his work in destroying the planet. This was a tough match up . That's exactly what I'm here to answer. Galactus is Starved. On a pure power level, Thanos is an ant to Trigon, but Thanos has made a career dealing with people who he is . Goku and Vegeta can't do anything to Galactus either, so it's the same as the other . 7y . He was once known as Galan, a scientist from the last iteration of the universe. 7am_Waking_Up_In_The_Morning. However, Galactus has the edge here. Who would win Darkseid or Galactus? However, this wasn't the case in one instance, as Galactus had grown impatient, causing Thor to engage . Round 3: Same as above. Galactus is older than the Marvel Universe itself, hailing from a previous model of actuality. Thanos and his powers. Galactus is Hungry, not starved. Starfox and Thanos are equally strong. Galactus wields the Power Cosmic, a power source that makes him akin to a god. Thor has been getting horrible treatment, Spider-Man isn't in the top tiers, Hulk is close but not quite there and Galactus….dont get me started on Galactus. Thanos is Marvels golden boy. Naturally, Thor is quite reluctant, but seeing no other choice, agrees to aid Galactus. He collects an item out of the dust and opens it. These two men would have one heck of a scrap. Answer (1 of 5): Let's look at what we know in both avatar and true form: the ultimate nullifier can destroy both abraxas and multi eternity and it is an aspect of galactus abraxas is the opposite of eternity abraxas was gonna destroy multi eternity also galactus fed with 4 planets was winnin. Brainiac is out of the question immediately. Well, who would win in a fight between Superman and Galactus; You might be wondering. It allows him to perform feats that would be impossible for anyone short of, well, Galactus. Galactus is currently brothers with Ego, but can still defeat him due to his knowledge of the core. While both of them have a number of powers at their disposal, Thanos falls short of matching Darkseid, even with the Infinity Gauntlet. First of all, he is an expert in hand-to-hand combat whereas the silver Surfer is no more than adequate. 21. He can tank energy bursts that have the capacity to decimate entire worlds, even from beings like Galactus, Black Bolt, and Odin. @Magicalmoment said: " thanos wins, with the ig, he was able to defeat many cosmic beings including galactus and eternity "yea but it wasnt him at full power and him full power can do alot of hurting Because Galactus started doing things that were out of the ordinary, like going after the Soul Gem, other powerful folks got a little nervous, and Thanos went to Galactus' ship to plead with him to stop. The only problem is that Galactus can also manipulate timelines. Galactus is several orders of magnitude beyond Darkseid. In a fight between the Avengers and the X-Men, the Avengers would easily win. RELATED: The Watcher vs Galactus: Who Would Win? He actually got his powers via a ruby. Later Galactus arrives on Earth (badly injured) looking for help in his fight against Thanos and Ghost Rider becomes the Herald of Galactus. Thanos is the Mad Titan, who has superhuman strength, durability and speed enough to go toe to toe with the Big Three Avenger Trinity; Captain America, Iron Man and Thor solo and win.
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who would win thanos or galactus