If I couldn't isolate the elements that aren't displaying correctly, I'd start by disabling these plugins and CSSs until the issue stopped and then troubleshooting the last item I disabled. How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress Please see the attached screenshot that exemplifies the issue: I can highlight the text that is not showing up and copy and paste the text even though it does not display on mobile. NEW Divi Block - An online drag & drop tool to easily mix & match 380+ premade blocks (light / dark version), including custom header, fullscreen . Go to the WordPress admin dashboard that is not displaying properly and look for the plugin menu and navigate to the Plugins page and deactivate all of them using the checkboxes. Because permalink is called the destination of your site. ; WordPress Glossary WPBeginner's WordPress Glossary lists and explain the most commonly used terms in WordPress tutorials. Not all website display problems are caused by browser incompatibility. On computer the posts don't all line up in neat rows, 3 posts to a row - some rows have just one or two posts in, I cannot work out why. How to make Youtube Videos Mobile Responsive in WordPress WP Rocket. If your site is not working well, it might be the reason for using the wrong permalink structure. Im having an issue with my logo, the correct logo shows on my desktop, but on my mobile phone a different logo appears which isnt correct, ive used wp-optimize to clear cache, ive uploaded retina mobile logo and the wrong logo still come up on my mobile but the correct one is on my desktop, please can someone help me thanks The displaying text only problem may also occur when the page asks for some JavaScripts which your browsers may be blocking due to unsecured content. The image on the left is of a page which displays the background image correctly and the image on the right is of a page which does not. Custom Fonts Not Displaying On Front End | Elementor The only thing that shows up on mobile is a profile image from my side bar and my author bio, none of my main page images, menus, posts, etc. Why is my WordPress theme not showing on mobile? - Quora #content-desktop { display: inline; } #content-mobile { display: none; } Now the magic is starting to happen. Site not displaying correctly on mobile | Divi.Help. Answer (1 of 2): How's the internet connection on your mobile ? WordPress Video Tutorials WPBeginner's WordPress 101 video tutorials will teach you how to create and manage your own site(s) for FREE. Answer (1 of 3): Found the answer! WordPress: Why won't the menu/navbar show on mobile ... ?…sometimes if the internet connection is not good mobile browsers display only the text version of a website. Chrome or Safari) inside Facebook, so in theory, sites should look right. Featured images matter. The theme is pretty flexible and can affect the colors, website logo, icons, fonts and social icons. Currently, when you click on the mobile menu "hamburger," the website's main menu items appear with a small arrow next to them indicating there are sub-menu items. In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to fix WordPress site not displaying correctly on mobile. Site not displaying properly on phone and tablet ... Chrome 29.0). Importing a demo is essential. Small amounts of code necessary to demonstrate a problem are fine, but always use code blocks so it is formatted correctly. August 4, 2014 at 11:13 pm #299896. avraamd. Link for example, on other pages of the site is the same. How to Fix Responsive Logo Display on Mobile ... However, even some of the most beautiful responsive themes are sometimes displaying your logo in a way that it overlaps the navigation on tablet or mobile devices. Why most people still browse the internet using their d. Update the machine Host configuration file to work with the desired ip If we are having that trouble because we are working with the backup of a real WordPress site, or if the WordPress site is configured to use a domain - real or fake - and not an ip - there is a different way . Page loading time is a great indicator for usability, SEO and more. My site's home page is not displaying at all correctly on mobile. Here is the screenshot: Because permalink is called the destination of your site. To fix this problem, you need to first remove . If so, please disable it. If you can identify the elements that aren't displaying correctly, it should be fairly easy to determine why they won't display well on iPhones and iPads. This can also be done through 'Appearance > Customize - Primary Menu. Search for jobs related to Wordpress site not displaying correctly or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. By using the wrong permalink, your WordPress website may not be displaying correctly. You've successfully made your WordPress site mobile friendly! Tagged: broken, mobile, no image Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total) Author Posts June 5, 2015 at 12:07 am #454816 KlyphicParticipant Hello, I'm having a problem across the board on IOS devices, the images for my website are not showing up. Just in case, in the options, Tablepress introduced:.tablepress-id-5 {width: 100% !important;} Did not help. Once you've installed, make sure to go to "Installed Plugins", and activate it. So the mobile content image . Need to make a WordPress site mobile friendly? First I have to correct my statement about other themes display bg-image on mobile devices. It makes it very difficult to read/ navigate the discussion. Then you save it. Strategize for responsive media. I'm sure theme developers and community members are pretty bored of answering these questions over and over again, so I've decided to write the following . The site is still not displaying properly. There are thousands of forum posts opened everyday not only on WordPress.org but also on other forums and of course nearly every theme developer's support site regarding very common issues that can be solved very quickly and easily. Learn how to fix what is causing Google Chrome on Windows 10 or any other computer to suddenly start displaying poor and erratic behaviour. Cheers! Try to flush your permalink cache. It's gone because the CSS tells it to display: none… which in slang terms means: get the fuck outta here. This broken layout affect many websites at times, but fortunately […] However, even some of the most beautiful responsive themes are sometimes displaying your logo in a way that it overlaps the navigation on tablet or mobile devices. It may take some tweaking and checking to get it to display just right. Im basically just using plugins and setting options, not really adept with the code yet. Follow the theme designer's instructions for uploading a header image of the correct size. Helpful Resources. Show activity on this post. Responsiveness is the new trend in WordPress Theme Industry,Nobody likes to maintain a separate plugin or separate theme for presenting your site in mobile devices.. bbPress. If your mobile website is not looking the same as the desktop version or your theme slider is not displaying on the home page of your mobile site, then it's probably because you have installed and activated the JetPack plugin and it is overriding your mobile version of the website and looks like this image below. That's because 67% of users are more likely to buy from a company that's mobile-friendly than one that's not.. Participant. There are countless WordPress themes out there, and unfortunately not all are fully responsive to support mobile layouts. WordPress Video Tutorials WPBeginner's WordPress 101 video tutorials will teach you how to create and manage your own site(s) for FREE. Interrupted Internet connections, heavy traffic, or problems with the website can also affect how a page is displayed. Jetpack) that are overriding the responsive layout of your theme.To solve this issue, you could disable the plugin (or that particular feature within the plugin . Creating a website with stunning content to find that featured images don't show is both frustrating and potentially harmful to your brand. CSS also does not seem to be working correctly. This simply means that your SEO score will increase if your WordPress website is mobile . I'm sure theme developers and community members are pretty bored of answering these questions over and over again, so I've decided to write the following . To do this go to 'Appearance > Menus' and find the menu that you created. To get started, log-in to your WordPress dashboard, and select "Add New" under "Plugins". At the bottom check the box 'primary menu'. However Google Console says my page is mobile frinedly (this is why I did not notice this issue-and its probably been months! To get started, log-in to your WordPress dashboard, and select "Add New" under "Plugins". Start With the Theme. If you view it in chrome and inspect it in chromes mobile viewer (little mobile icon to the left of inspection toolbar) and select say apple's iphone 6 and refresh you can see the issue I'm having. The only pluggin like the one you mentioned is "WPtouch Mobile Plugin" which i disable it and still the same result, the rest of the active pluggins are below. Not Including All Font Variations. Make Any WordPress Site Mobile Friendly in 6 steps and less than 30 minutes, our Founder Jarrett Gucci will show you how to take any WordPress site and make a mobile version of it that will load on all smart phones. Share. ; WordPress Glossary WPBeginner's WordPress Glossary lists and explain the most commonly used terms in WordPress tutorials. Now I can pull my site up under both my localhost and by going to the live host URL and the site looks exactly like it should. Though all most every WordPress theme now comes with a mobile responsive design but you cannot guarantee that it is also optimized for displaying iFrame embeds such as the Youtube videos. Typical WP users will go to WP Admin > Settings > General and change the settings for WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL). When we click on one of these main menu items, we are directed to the corresponding web page instead of displaying the sub-menu items in the menu. That's doubly true in mobile. Here's the definitive guide to fix WordPress featured image not showing properly on your site Click to Tweet Summary. This answer is not useful. If you have any issues with the social icons menu, please have a look at the following solutions to common . I have a weird issue where the background image is showing incorrectly on certain pages on a mobile device like a iPhone. On iphone the header image is stretched so it is much taller than it should be and the photo is weirdly stretched. Mobile version of WordPress theme doesn't look like the theme demo. This leads to a page not loading properly. If the slider images are not showing or the WordPress slider is not working, then your plugin needs to be reviewed. Speeding up your WordPress site is a good idea in general. It also persists when I view the page from Safari browser on my phone instead of chrome. Mobile responsive. In my experience, most of the issues have been created because the WooCommerce plugin is active, but a "shop" page has not been assigned to your site. Take a look at what the site now looks like on my desktop: See how the mobile image is now gone? There are countless WordPress themes out there, and unfortunately not all are fully responsive to support mobile layouts. Large businesses may afford to spend thousands of dollars to make their sites mobile-friendly. There are 2 main reasons why this walk through is useful. Most common issues with WordPress image slider plugins are files that are too large, not updated with the current WordPress versions, no support from plugin owner, and more. Then you can further troubleshoot that one mobile device that's not showing your WordPress updates instead of multiple devices. If you need to share large amounts of code, use codepen or make a gist on github.. To keep your WordPress site mobile friendly and following best practices, avoid pop-ups on your mobile design. From a reputable designer. ; WPBeginner Facebook Group Get our WordPress experts and community of 80,000+ smart website owners (it's free). However, even if your WordPress website is responsive, it can still display differently from what you intended on mobile.
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wordpress site not displaying correctly on mobile