At about 27,000mph, 2020, QG's speed and size were calculated using the photographs taken by the Zwicky Transient Facility located in Palomar. Dr. Richard Urso: COVID-19 “was a lie from the very beginning…. In fact, an article posted on suggests just that. The distance between the moon and earth is approximately 238,855 miles. The publication New Atlas reports: “A small asteroid came within a cosmic hairbreadth of the ring of communications satellites circling the Earth in geosynchronous orbit this week. Looks like the tumultous year of 2020 could go out with a bang - literally. Elecciones en Puerto Rico: Pedro Pierluisi gana gobernación y Jenniffer González la comisaria residente en Washington, Hurricane Eta could be near Florida this weekend as a tropical storm, hurricane center says, Here’s how the Electoral College system works in Florida, Voters approve $15 an hour minimum wage; reject open primaries, Trump wins Florida again, bolstered by Miami-Dade vote, Story of Ocoee Massacre finally being told - 100 years after it happened | Special Report, White House coronavirus task force: Florida now in red zone for rate of new cases, Election Day 2020 live updates: López elected Osceola sheriff after internet woes at election office; GOP maintains hold on state Legislature, Orlando Sentinel Live: Election Night Coverage, Amendment 2 would lift millions of Floridians out of poverty, but Big Business says at the cost of hurting employers, Josh Heupel apologizes for UCF players' behavior during arrest, Seminole Republicans maintain control of commission, constitutional offices, Huracán Eta podría estar cerca de Florida este fin de semana como tormenta tropical, dice el Centro Nacional de Huracanes, U.S. House election results: Democrats head toward House control, but struggle to gain seats, SpaceX crew launch delay was due to rocket damage from ‘red nail polish’-like substance, NASA’s Artemis program must lead us back to the moon | Commentary, UCF physics professors play key role in NASA’s mission to get an asteroid sample from space, Protesters gather near the White House and across the US, but no wide unrest seen, Oregon voters approve ‘magic’ mushrooms for therapeutic use. According to the space agency, the rogue space rock has a "non-zero" probability of hitting the Earth. The distance of the asteroid to Earth was roughly 42,735km (26,554 miles), putting it at risk of potentially colliding with a comms satellite (from the European Data Relay System). Tucker Carlson says polls have... Meghan Markle 'voted early by mail in the 2020 election' source claims - after she and Prince Harry sparked... Could heated talk over the dinner table become a HATE CRIME? that was the high-consequence scenario discussed by attendees at an Oct. 25, 2016 NASA-FEMA tabletop exercise in El Segundo, California. The cardiac patch was found to reduce the death of cardiac cells,... Turkey's Izmir region seems to be the hardest hit as several buildings... Representative image of asteroid approaching earth, International Business Times, Singapore Edition, Dr Deborah Birx Warns US Governors of 'Broad Surge' in Coronavirus Cases Across the Country, Can COVID-19 Spread Through Candy from Trick-or-Treating? One asteroid, known as 1998 OR2, is due to make its closest pass later this month on April 29, and it’s possible that the several mile-wide object could hit the Earth, and cause a tremendous cataclysm, he contended ( reports that we are not in danger from this object). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NASA will see your double hurricane and raise you an asteroid. During this time, the asteroid will be traveling at a neck-breaking speed of 44,000 miles per hour. It passed Earth on April 28.”. The most monstrous asteroid slated to approach Earth within the remaining six months of 2020 is 153201 2000 WO107, which at its largest point, has a diameter of 820m – almost as large as eight football pitches in length, and only slightly smaller … Scientists at NASA are tracking a huge asteroid hurtling towards the Earth that is set to hit the atmosphere on September 6. “There is an excessively high [military] movement right now–all the tanks have rubber tracks on them–they are ready to go out onto the streets,” he explained. They were about one-third the distance to the moon. The ESA publically estimates the probability of an airburst is a chance of 1 in 3.6 million but if the near-earth earthbound object were to airburst it could pose a significant threat and cause significant damage to the affected area. This image from video made available by NASA's Centre for Near-Earth Object Studies shows the path of asteroid 2020 SW as it safely passes Earth on Thursday, September 24, 2020. “Speaking for myself, the novel coronavirus is a good case study of mistakes to avoid when planning to prevent an asteroid impact,” said Thomas Jones, a scientist, author, and retired NASA astronaut who flew on four space shuttle missions to Earth orbit. The asteroid is said to be twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Center for Near Earth Objects Studies at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory states that asteroid 2018 VP1 has a 0.41% chance of entering Earth’s atmosphere on Nov. 2. Not only is Asteroid 153201 (2000 WO107) one of the biggest space rocks to shoot past Earth in 2020 but it’s also one of the fastest. FEMA camps were built some time ago to prepare for the damage from these inbound objects, Ambellas continued. Our constitutional freedoms are disappearing and soon our God-given rights will be stripped as well as the nation slides into the all-out tyrannical police state Ambellas has warned us about for over a decade. Jim Bridenstine, a NASA Administrator, warned last year ... asteroids could be the biggest threat to Mother Earth. Based on Ambellas’ detailed investigation he was able to accurately and publically predict a massive planetary red alert nearly to the day when over 30 celestial objects converged on Earth over several days spans prompting the activation of planetary defense systems. From the official Coast To Coast AM website April 7 show archive titled Behind the Pandemic / Asteroids & COVID-19: In the latter half, activist, journalist, and filmmaker Shepard Ambellas reported on asteroids, comets, and other objects coming toward Earth. NASA retweeted the statement from the center’s Twitter account @AsteroidWatch, which wanted to remind people it “poses no threat to Earth!”. According to the database The 2011 ES4 will pass by the earth on September 1, 2020 at 10:49 A.M. Eastern Time. Night of rage: Antifa and BLM position to unleash election night chaos, Rothschild filed COVID-19 test patent in 2015 ahead of outbreak, millions of test kits sold in advance, Rapper 50 Cent joins Trump train after seeing Biden’s 62% NYC tax plan, Steve Bannon says media sh*tstorm over Hunter Biden emails about to hit. Should you take a voucher? Do not reproduce without permission. as it is hurtling towards Earth at 31,400mph. He proposed that the COVID-19 crisis may be a ploy to get the populace prepared for a collision with one of these near-Earth objects. However, space experts believe that the space rock will result in a mid-air explosion if it enters the Earth's atmosphere. GPs are 'told to prepare to give jabs to over-85s and... Moonshot testing of millions 'will fail unless 14-day quarantine rule for contacts is relaxed' because... We didn't mean to scare you: Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance defend their '4,000 deaths a day'... ROSS CLARK: The 4,000 deaths 'fact' that made Doom and Gloom squabble like schoolboys. Asteroid 2018 VP1 could hit Earth on November 2, 2020. Asteroid 2018 VP1 has a chance of hitting Earth on Nov. 2, 2020. Scientists have been keeping track of over 2,000 asteroids and comets that may threaten Earth ever since a space rock as big as a car has zipped past Earth in early August which scientists described as the closest flyby in history. Amazingly, just as Intellihub’s Shepard Ambellas predicted the world actually went into planetary defense mode on April 29 as a fast-approaching asteroid discovered just hours prior had an admitted 10% or greater chance of impacting the earth and or European satellite arrays orbiting inside of earth’s geostationary ring. NASA said the uncertainty in whether or not the asteroid will strike is based on a series of observations over a couple of weeks. If it were to hit the atmosphere, the asteroid is so small that it would only look really bright before breaking up into tiny pieces, WHIO reports. But Team Not Saying If He Tested Positive, ©2020 EHM PRODUCTIONS,INC. Now known as the 2020 QG, the Palmar Observatory in California first detected the asteroid after six hours it flew over the Indian Ocean at 5:08 AM BST on August 16. It was categorized as an Apollo asteroid as it has crossed the Earth's orbit. There are three potential impacts, but the impact is not expected to be disastrous based off 21 observations over 13 days. NASA broke the news... an asteroid is on a trajectory to hit the United States of America on November 2, 2020. Scientists Answer Finally, Typhoon Goni: Philippines Orders Evacuation as Strongest Typhoon of 2020 Approaches, Great Fox-Spider Assumed Extinct in UK Found at British Army Training Area After 27 Years, Malaria Parasite Genetically Alters Itself to Stay Hidden and Survive During Dry Season: Study, Long Term Coronavirus Effects Are 'Really Concerning' and Herd Immunity Is 'Unfeasible': WHO, Turkey-Greece Earthquake: Videos of Buildings Collapsing and Sea Disappearing Emerge. An asteroid - known as 2018 VP1 - is headed straight to Earth, just a day before the 2020 US presidential election. Read More: An Asteroid Is Moving Towards Earth on Election Day Eve. The ESA believes that the chances of the asteroid causing a mid-air explosion are one out of 3.6 million.

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