We began our packing a … Along the way, gas stations like Esso, Europeans and the New World: 1492 to 1600, Islamic Country Business Practice Are Differ from Us, Women in Development and Gender and Development. The problem is very simple. ( THE BUS RIDE1 by Sahar Sabati I had finished my night shift in the ER and was on my way home. Therefore, no stops were needed. Atom Don't Try to duplicate our Content. Authenticity on every level lays a solid foundation for the writer to build upon. In my Nana’s eyes, I could do no wrong, I remember when I tied her shoes together while she was sleep and when she got up she almost fell. We left at 8:00 a.m. On the road we went. It was around December when I was riding the 16th street free mall ride. 1. The budget should receive the definite sum of money for public transportation. Related Essays and Paragraphs for Children and School Students. The troublesome passenger was busy exchanging hot words with the conductor. Gertrude used to be a powerful CEO of one of the most important companies in Toronto, now she is depressed and is full of anger. It is generally said that a journey by bus is not so thrilling as one by train or aero plane is. “Haha” my Uncle laughs at me. The conductor, however, pacified us and forced the man to move away from the front doorway. By admin on August 20, 2015 November 3, 2015 in Essay, Technology. "Researchers from Imperial College London, investigated physical activity linked to the use of the bus pass in the over-60s- by analyzing four years of data from a national travel survey" (Paddock). This could mean accurate historical data, or small details seemingly irreverent to the reader. Citizens will not see new buses or trains, because the government cannot afford them. The best solution is to provide the elderly with a discount, which will make public transport affordable for them. Some of us were disgusted with the conductor who gave a lift to every passenger on the way. Last year during summer vacation our family went to Mussoorie to spend some time in the cool environment amidst the greenery and the mountains. Are you in search of free sample essays and essay examples on different topics? My journey in a  bus came to an end. Another solid evidence of the high numbers of automobiles on the roads is that I saw the very busy and congested S. Californian 60 freeway, especially since it was around 5 and everybody was trying to get home. You will always find a variety of people and while you will see new passengers every day after a short period of time you begin to recognize the regular commuters who have a daily routine that public transportation is a vital part of. The school buses of today are designed in such a way that they are more durable and more conscientiously maintained. This is the usual practice here. Every morning I make the same short walk down my narrow, never lied. Smack! The most sensible decision was to make public transport free for the elderly. She paid the bus driver her five-dollar fee, and used her hands to find the seats, walked down the aisle and found an empty place to sit. As we were doing it, a middle-aged man came from nowhere and tried to get on the bus without obtaining a ticket. It was Sunday. 'Yes, we will get to the show in time, said Ramesh. !, I hit my Uncle’s hand and he didn’t even budge but after a few matches we found are way to the guy checking are heighth. “Ouch!” I yell. At last, I, on our way. It has an engine and many compartments. We clung to it for dear life. Thirdly, the elderly should use public transport, because it is safer for them. My parents decided to spend a week at Shimla. I do not, however, agree with this view. The free bus rides can help also if they want to go visit there family , grandchildren. The short bus ride was full of twists and turns and hearing our tour guide, Elvira, tell us that we’ll soon learn how to drive like Italians. I was so happy to be leaving this early in the school day, and especially to be going to sing and go to Lake Compounce. Some passengers were getting off and some were getting in at each stop. You never know what to expect when you ride public transportation. This question is something some people have considered. … So he gives a lift to everyone that comes on the way. The country pays for the elderly and lets them get free bus rides. We jumped as soon the bus as it came to a stop. In my opinion they have to enjoy the rest of their life. Do you need urgent assistance in writing high school, college or university academic papers? A ... We have provided many useful essays for school students on the topic essay on sports day celebration in school for class 1, 2, 3, 4, ... [ - Copyright @ 2018 All contents are copyright protected!!! - ], Essay on A Journey by Bus for Kids and School Students. But I did not wait there to waste my time, and I quickly went to the coast of the sea. Obviously, an average elderly person has poor eyesight and slow reaction. The school bus is one of the most loved forms of transportation to school. As the story progresses, she is found dead the next morning and begins to haunt the route, killing the bus driver in, and the State University of Iowa. Public transport is ecologically safer than automobiles. But he is not to blame. A free bus ride will become a good motivation for them to be out and not be stuck at home watching television. Active elderly people stay healthier – both physically and mentally – for far longer than inactive retired people. Are juvenile offenders usually found among children from broken homes or large unhappy poor families? Now we got on the bus one by one. 3. We have written an essay on my pet dog for cla... School is a very sanctified place of learning. It’s not really clear who is the narrator in this story, but what is clear is that Orozco chose to tell the story through the eyes of the reader. Speak on the vital role of drug addiction and alcohol consumption in the growing crime rate in general and in juvenile delinquency in…, Should the elderly receive free bus rides? Once she settled in, she placed her bag on her lap placed her cane next to her. I sat on the same seat too, beside my friend, well; we came to know each other through the journey on the bus! Secondly, the government should encourage people to use public transport. At Agra bus stand there was a long queue. I’ll never forget the sight of the ugly yellow school bus rolling up to the end of my driveway. The Bus Ride The people on the huge transportation bus watched on as the beautiful young woman with the cane made her way up the many steps of the bus. ADVERTISEMENTS: Last summer holidays I went to Delhi from Agra in a bus-the bus journey is not so comfortable as a journey by train is. Everybody inside felt choked. Other people love to drive themselves to work. For example, the busses should have to give a jobless or homeless person a ride to the place they need to go. I went to Sambalpur with my mother in a bus. The bus arrived after quarter minutes when I waited at the stop. The week before Sunday had been a very hot one. With the increase of cars on the roads, there was also an increase in automobile-related businesses like car washes, gas stations, motels etc. I sighed,  ‘5 P.M.’ The cinema show would start at 6:00 P.M. One hour. meeting sales people. The troublesome passenger had his ticket and got on the bus. • Comparative shopping possible- browsing through online catalogues. We are your best solution for you. Some are friendly, others are people who just want to be left alone and ride in silence. It was started at 4:30 p.m. Should the elderly receive free bus rides? "To wait for a bus," says  Chesterton, "is the greatest adventure of one's life. We ... Human and dog friendship is the oldest. theme in her short story, “The Woman in the Snow” by using her character, a black mother named Eula Mae Daniels. Copying content from website- essaywritingart.com is, , If you do, then we have a right to take, An Unforgettable Incident of my Life Paragraph and Essay, Post Comments From the ride, I observed a whole lot of events that made me conclude a few things about the modern American culture. It was around 8:40 or 9:00. • Home shopping- fun, convenient and hassle free, time saving, larger variety. The Bus Ride The people on the huge transportation bus watched on as the beautiful young woman with the cane made her way up the many steps of the bus. London Underground (Piccadilly line): four stations serve the airport: Terminal 2 and 3, Terminal 4 and Terminal 5 serve the passenger terminal. The police were of no help to stop the violence. As we all know, buses are not exactly attractive. Now before you ride it you should know the tips and tricks of how to ride the city bus. Gertrude was depressed and always full of hatred that never went away. The ideas of inter-generational conflict and transforming social mores play out against the backdrop of racial desegregation in the South. 1583 Words 7 Pages. it's only ten minutes run to Connaught Circus'. Naturally, a retired person is not able to pay for public transport a lot. the elderly should not pay for public transport, because they are limited in their finance. The journey was really boring because of frequent stoppages on the way. According to Catharine Paddock, people over 60 should ride the bus for free and get a free bus pass. He had no alternative but to accept it. It was halted at Digha for some time. Our site is specifically designed for those students who need instant writing help in any discipline. Bus and…, Bus Rides Free Of Charge What if bus rides were free of charge to anyone? It took about an hour for me to get a ticket. On the other hand, the elderly should pay for public transport, because they are normal people and they should pay like any other person. 2. Now it was fully crowded. Day one of the trip we rode a travel bus for 24 hours to Florida. In addition, the elderly should be treated like everyone else, because there are many categories of people who want to get free bus rides too. Friendship is a feeling of love, affection, emotion,  and respect for one person to another. • Personalize and customize the messages- build continuous relationship with In my opinion, it is possible to provide the elderly with free bus rides, because there are many reasons for it. I actually was a full two hours early, as I had gone off for break so late that I … As it was glided on, we had a pleasant swing because of our standing position. Nowadays most of the buses in our State are crowded with passengers. To me, waiting for a bus is most boring. It was all already jam-packed. It was passed several villages on the way. Probably he takes them for lifeless things. Rye immediately trusts, Rider’s protest throughout the deep South. For me this is a big reason why they, Proof That Huckleberry Finn Should Be In The Curriculum, Materialism And Wealth In The Great Gatsby, The Positive Effects Of Genetically Modified Food, Cultural Interpretation Of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. On a Sunday afternoon, I along with some passengers was waiting for the bus to Gopalpur at a bus stop. We were so excited as we pulled off our drawstring bags from our backs and sat down next to each, Liana Shakira Ab. Public transportation should be free for older people because most old people cannot afford to pay for the ride. It is interesting that rich countries do not provide the elderly with free bus rides. I congratulate myself and hop in my old reliable dusty gray, 2011 Toyota. It is the most useful animal to the mankind. Thirdly, the elderly should use public transport, because it is safer for them. The yellow bus stops a few feet from me. My opinion: yes! However, it managed to reach Rivoli cinema just in time, and we could see the show after all.

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