Lawrence: A magician never reveals his secrets. Ferb start carving the bearskin rug. Linda: How about Stacy? What are you doing here? I have to talk to her about her exits. I can't say I've seen better posture. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Inator! Phineas: Nothing, it's perfect the way it is. Grandpa Clyde: Uh, what is it? Making matching boots is normal! Her hobbies include delving so deeply into a TV show that she feels quite lost when it ends, finding comfort in Charles Bukowski quotes and Ricky Gervais' tweets (they're the same thing really) and having a panic attack over climate change. Doofenshmirtz: What? Doofenshmirtz: A ride-along? Doofenshmirtz: Is this like a robot hug for a job well done? Call us crazy, but we're thinking Doofenshmirtz! Candace: Then lets see. When Joe takes the steps to hug her, Candace gets triggered and we see flashbacks of her in a violent exchange with Joe. Loving Candace, forgetting Mooney, trying to help Claudia ... all mistakes. He's our pet! And both end up dead. (Doofenshmirtz and Perry leave, then Carl is seen with a mail cart) Carl, get in here! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Beckham (blond): Apparently not. What's with all the plastic plants? (Phineas turns his eyes to the other side of his head). Major Monogram: His family. scrollbar: false, Candace: I'm aware of the concept, Phineas. Candace: Out of my way, turkey! Beckham (blond): Football X-7? Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oh, good! (awkward pause) One where he rights his wrongs by loving Love and helping people like Ellie (Jenna Ortega) and Delilah (Carmela Zumbado). Candace: And where did you get those ugly sweaters? (Offers plate), Buford: Yeah? Buford: It's a free country. That can never be you. Orville Wilkins: Yeah, give up. Greg LeMond: Dropping out may seem like the easy way, but years from now I don't want you to look back and wonder, 'what if'. Vanessa: Here Norm. Candace joins Forty, Joe, and Love on Quinn’s holiday getaway. (Sees the genetically twisted Candavere) Stacy: Okay. (Perry chatters). I have no idea how to respond to that. If I do what Phineas and Ferb were doing, I will get busted and them along with me! Baljeet, could you please stop arguing with the soundtrack? This is a football! Oh, and there's that kid in the corner with the eyepatch. (The device hits the romantic dinner food) Wanna sip, Phineas? Isabella: Nope, I didn't get any of that footage. Phineas: Ta-Da! Jeremy: Holy guacamole! OK, I'm glad you brought it up. Phineas: SONIC BOOM! Despite her trying to get out of this traumatic situation by coming up with a logical reason, she cannot. Isabella: You know, you really ought to pace yourself. Isabella: Actually, I'm not wearing a costume. Gotta go, Stacy. Candace: (in surprise) Junk sculpture? I think he likes you better. Who does that?! Carl: (enjoying the sandwich) Peanut butter, bananas, and sardines! Phineas: "Lawn gnome beach party of taffeta." Linda: I'll be berry interested to see what you find. In fact, he got us all into playing. Candace: (hugs Stacy) Thank you! And, I know he's out there. 6 The Belly … Though Joe had to accept what Candace had to say and then hug her. Major Monogram: Carl, did you eat my sandwich? Showing clips of Dr. Doofenshmirtz trapping Perry. Isabella: (Hands the amulet and map to Doofenshmirtz) Here you go. I really am clueless. Norm: Sir, you can have a game of catch with me! I stopped by your house to bring your present and Irving just told me to jack right in. I'm sure you had your reasons. That sharks a mean one alright. Doofenshmirtz: Playset? To update it, do not edit this page. Major Monogram and Carl laugh hysterically) Carl, play that back! Stacy: the mall. Candace: You'll see! Perry's alone and helpless in a strange jungle! A ray from the Gimmelshtumpinator hits the car, transforming it into a donkey. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All-purposeinator explodes causing the roof to fly into the air Curse you, unknown rocket helmet transportation thing! (a close-up on Perry's indentation in the grass with dramatic music). You dirty double crosser! Baljeet: So, nice weather we are having. Candace: And you know when... Joe is just hyperfocused on his love for Love Quinn and for letting nothing stand in the way. Stacy: (pulls out two sticks from Candace's hair) Uh... are these chopsticks? Isabella: Why does you grandma's house smell like ant pheromones? Ferb: Time to change the batteries on the tiger excluder. I think I will be continuing with the race now. Greg LeMond: It worked so well, I even motivated myself! Phineas: Don't you see, you can take him. You Season 3 | Fan Theories on who is Joe’s neighbor? Phineas: Apparently. Joe follows her there alone, completely oblivious of the pain Candace might be going through. Don't scratch it. And it's scented. I am to metaphor cheese as metaphor cheese is to transitive verb crackers. Meap: With the help of Team Phineas! Buford: You guys are blowing my mind! That's crazy! Candace Stone is the author of The Hippies of 1921 (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews) and Dana And The Sun (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews) Candace: (In a stunned tone) How do you even know that? She got out alive without Joe knowing at all. One day, someone's gonna ask me for some obscure musical instrument, and it ain't gonna be there. I don't like them the way you cook them! Isabella: Extras. Looks like we're in business, let's bust us some ghosts. Lawrence: What is what? We are gonna do what no one has done before: Play the biggest, baddest, "only-est" game of Football X-7! Dr. Doofenshmirtz: I think we're in trouble. Where's the lemonade? Get on it, Agent P! rpp: 4, A life where she’s always in fear. (Holds up newspaper) I've read all about you in Le filles en coin de feu Gazette. Bus driver: Hang on, lads, we're taking a detour! Candace: Giant Skiddley Whiffers?!? I got a speaking part. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: What? Baljeet: Hey Buford, your voice is so raspy.

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