The ground at the bottom of the tree was covered with hot ashes. He flew to the other side of the world, Grandmother Spider steals the Sun A Cherokee Legend. But the smoke and the heat were too much for him, too. //-->. Lightning struck a tree on an island surrounded by water. The diving bell spider or water spider (Argyroneta aquatica) is the only species of spider known to live almost entirely under water. Choctaw flag :) 0 0. nune. 0 0. The frightened Raven flew home without the fire, and his feathers have been black ever since. Legends, Myths & Tales of Native Americans. But they could not get to it on account of the water. Lv 4. The heat had scorched his feathers black. "I have a beautiful, bushy tail," She can run on top of the water or dive to the bottom, so there would be no trouble to get over to the island, but the question was, How could she bring back the fire? NATIVE ARTS 07 > CHEROKEE WATER SPIDER > CHEROKEE WATER SPIDER. Before he could climb out, he, too, was burned black. Every animal was anxious to go after the fire. But the heat and smoke were dreadful. The little Screech-owl (Wa'huhu') volunteered to go, and reached the place safely, but while he was looking down into the hollow tree a blast of hot air came up and nearly burned out his eves. Then Hooting Owl and the Horned Owl went, but by the time they reached the hollow tree, the fire was blazing so fiercely that the smoke nearly blinded them. google_ad_channel =""; That is how fire came to the world. Indian Proverbs & Wisdom Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Now, when Earth was brand new, there was much confusion, for there "I can spin a web." Fox said that he knew of some people on the other side of the world
