the insurance would definitely have proved it so yes they should have records. lol! [13] Sotheby's responded that the ownership of the painting was still disputed and should be settled in the courts. The "good" news is the painting is still at Sotheby's (or was as of Nov 2013) and will remain there until courts determine the true owner. Unless there is something else we don't know, but anyway, thanks so much for the update, I wish the stalemate would end, it must be driving her and the family nuts! HubPages® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. According to Sothebys, they have issued a statement that says: 'The ownership of the painting is still being disputed and should be settled in the Courts'. That's their problem. Children Under a Palm (or sometimes Children Under a Palm Tree) is a water colour painting by Winslow Homer. Even they mentioned that they would have been ruined in a hours or a day if left exposed. Murray is simply indulging in legal thuggery. As you can imagine, he was stunned. Who really does own this painting? In her later years, Olive was described by one of her grandsons as being "a formidable looking woman of whom I was somewhat frightened".[3]. I was desperately short of sleep when I keyed in the above. After the sale was stopped, Selina and her family spend the next year trying every way to get Justice. It would be good to see whats happened now. Copyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Not only is Simon rich, he is also a lawyer. ComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. But the only trouble was that when the relatives were interviewed they kept coming up with a different story. As for the painting I think it is disgusting how Selina has been treated, and I hope that one day it works out for her, thanks for reading, nell. No data is shared with Paypal unless you engage with this feature. The painting is called "Children Under a Palm Tree." The one advantage of all the publicity surrounding the story is that the Painting will increase in price. Some articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products, This is a data management platform studying reader behavior. . Nell, I didn't see any mention of a police report for the alleged theft of the painting (that no one even remembered until its value became known). Why are the courts so slow to rule on this case? that's the contention I think, yes those lawyers must be raking in the money by now, thanks so much for reading, nell. I did email them a couple of years ago, but refused to tell me anything.Thanks for reading. I watched this last night and was shocked, to then today do some research and discover a 3rd party has made a claim.... Could it have gotten any worse. I hope it's resolved soon, for the family's sake. Hi penny, where did you get that info? Hi Todd, I totally agree with everything you say, its just plain stupid, and as for the remark about swimming pools etc I was so mad when I heard him say it! Thanks for reading. Locals think she is there now as they are away. Thanks Pardelope, I believe its out of her hands now, which I am sure she is really pleased! In 2009, Selina and her father packed their case and headed off to New York. She was very surprised to hear about it. The Blakes believe it is a family portrait and therefore it should go back to them. While Sotheby's stated that they had let the Blakes know about the painting, and they had no objection to the sale, the Blakes had then decided weeks later that actually they did know it had been stolen and were interested in what was happening. Some artists work on a sketch or two, and then go on to their final painting, much as a writer will work on a draft. In 1859 he opened a studio in New York City. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Clifford has since tried to retrieve the Painting from Sotheby's but they still refuse to let him take it. This is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos. After colonial service in Jamaica and Hong Kong, the Blakes retired to Myrtle Grove in Youghal, County Cork, Ireland. It seems to me that leveraging property you may not own as collateral for a loan is a smart move, and she is being advised by a very good property attorney. Exactly. It was featured in the second episode of the BBC TV series Fake or Fortune? It is a simple mediator trick. Thanks for reading. No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. No police report, no proof it was stolen. But Edith was a well-known, accomplished watercolorist who did very detailed renderings of the flora and fauna of the Bahamas, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that Homer did do the sketch, but Edith Blake completed it. Weird And Wonderful Tribal Art Traditions From Arou... Art By Animals Elephants Gorillas And Many Other Spe... Renoir and Highlights of the Phillips Collection: A Washington D.C. Family Day Trip, How to Teach Texture with Winslow Homer: An Art Lesson for Early Elementary, Top 7 Movies for Children Under 5 Years Old, The General Characteristics of Madhubani Paintings: An Indian Folk Art, Salvador Dali's Christ of Saint John of the Cross - Analysis, Art Heists, Art Thieves, and Famous Missing Masterpieces. Thanks angiiiii, I totally agree with you, thanks for reading, nell. I hope Selina would win the case and get all the money. Now he tells Selena Varney, give me 70-75% of any money raised and I'll allow the sale to go ahead. thanks for the update! He died on September 29 1910. In other words she was calling Sotheby's a liar. to be worth 100,000 when he would know that she originally expected to make 30,000 on the sale (the figure quoted on the Antiques Roadshow). I am not sure if its still going on, but at least she was clever enough to sell it on. It's a page turner indeed. My view is 65/35 Salina/Murray would have been reasonable and found money to him. [14] Clifford Schorer says the painting was used as security for a loan and that he is now entitled to it, the Blake family having failed to make a claim in a US court. There was no burglary, as the Blakes stated in the first place. Meanwhile, in England last month, a Blake descendant named Shirley Rountree, asked the British courts to give her clear title to the painting. To behave as though this painting is his family's property simply because a long dead family member is depicted in the painting and to also assert that it was stolen decades ago and should be returned to him without providing any evidence of a contemporary police report of it being reported missing, is an aristocratic pompousness un-befitting the modern age. Doesn't make sense, does it?! [4] The painting was withdrawn with only three lots to go - unusually close to the sale time. much to convenient! Seems to me that Simon Murray's family should have some insurance records of the painting from before the painting was found on the dump. I find Murray's comments on how Selina would spend the money on a swimming pool etc. [6] Ms. Varney was flown to New York to observe the sale. That said, I'm still not convinced Homer actually did the painting. thanks, looks like selena and new hubby are off to a new york court very soon, Thanks paul, my thoughts exactly! Then I found the info on the internet, so maybe not. If they were worthy of it, they would not discard the painting as rubbish. Selina and her father, have been offered 25 per cent of the sale, and the rest of the money is to go to the Drakes. At this point, Sotheby's had been in contact with Mrs. Blake, and she was told about the Painting. As she has not repaid the loan, his lawsuit claims he's the rightful owner. As they walked past, Tony spotted just outside the dump, a few old pictures thrown down on the ground. Non-consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. Sotheby's. And of course figure out if it was a fake or the real thing. Even a magistrate would agree. I know where these lot are going. ‘Children under a palm tree” Winslow Homer. We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. not so much being British as well, learning my lesson. Are there any updates on the rightful ownership of Homer's 'Children under a palm tree? [5] A preview of the sale appeared in the Daily Telegraph. In addition she can also charge any legal fees, any interest lost from the drawn out legal process lost from the original sale, or devaluation of the artwork due to a withdrawn sale at the auction by the Blakes. Children Under a Palm (or sometimes Children Under a Palm Tree) is a water colour painting by Winslow Homer.

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