You had me, and I followed well. to whom will ye flee for help? From the world health organization to the continued misinformation campaign in Canadian media. IF YOU THINK THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS A “CONSPIRACY THEORY” YOUR PART OF THE PROBLEM & FUCK ME ARE YOU HAVING A VERY RUDE AWAKENING VERY, VERY SOON. I’m not doubting thte legitimacy of this alleged “Leaked document”, but there there are so many lies, frauds, deceits, propaganda and #fakenews that’s it’s difficult, if not impossible, to tell what is real/true/fact and what is not. That’s fine if you are of the personality that “if you cannot touch and feel it – it doesn’t exist”. There is no way for any intelligent species that naturally evolved on earth millions or billions of years before humans to have surpassed our technological progress without having touched the hydrocarbon deposits under the ground. 17For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. They have been forecasting a huge population drop in the United States for several years. According to their own website, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. What you believe may be consistent with the present rulers being successful, in which case there would indeed be a final expansion of wealth as they cancel all debts, take ownership of all the property that is collateral for that debt and achieve what they call their Great Reset of the world economy. I think you all need to start making the preparations to either shelter-in-place, or bug-out to less dangerous neighborhoods. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Do not confuse these groups with governments. I also urge you to reconsider your paranoia to the Russians. Awareness is the first step. I think he’s undoubtedly Jewish, they’re the guys in charge of most sectors today. The rcmp ( and most police forces) in this country are nothing more than goons and thugs.Bbbbut there are some good ones, if there are any ‘good ones’ where are they? 15The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! They are priming people for a Christ figure, antichrist. -Turkey’s population drops from 81 to 72 mln and GDP from 2.1 trl to 0.83 trl – that is Turkey without Instanbul. America needs Trump at this point in time, but not for the reasons that you think. This animosity may be the manifestation of a factional conflict in the ruling circles or it may be a genuine battle between Good and Evil, or both. The system isn’t after the people. The word that best describes the situation in my opinion is inertia. For what shall it profit a man if he gain the world and lose his soul. In either event such a belief is not relevant to salvation, which is still dependent upon faith in and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and the efficacy of His sacrifice, in removing the power and penalty of Sin from the human race, by taking them upon Himself and overcoming them through His Resurrection to Eternal Life from among the Dead and sharing His victory with all those who believe in Him. I realize my claims are a bit difficult to accept so I will send the following once I know you have received this fax. They will worship a man Its fair to say without the developments that happened in the West, largely stemming from the likes of Newton, the steam engine, Henry Ford, etc that north america would still be the Native Americans, China would still be how it was during the beginning of the Qing dynasty…. Did you get the SOURCE yet? Please carry on hating communists. So, do you think Bill Gates could be the Antichrist? One of the major events in these end times is the fall of Babylon. To the Canadian government who decree unrighteous decrees: 10 Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; 2 To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless! Powered by WOT , a global community of millions of users who rate websites based on their own experiences to help other users against scams, untrustworthy links and rogue web stores. They are… All online information about them is “redacted for privacy”. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. What Percentage of Americans Died During the Civil War ... Chicago-area Lithuanians remember dark chapter from Stalin …, How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine …, The History Place – Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin’s …, ‘Red Famine’ Revisits Stalin’s Brutal Campaign To Starve …, Why Stalin Starved Ukraine | The New Republic, Stalin & Hitler: Mass Murder by Starvation | by Timothy …,,,, I just had a post a few days ago about that subject. A 70% decrease in the population signifies either [1] massive starvation, [2] a smallpox WMD, or [3] A MAD level nuclear exchange with Russia. I think the Jews in 1939 ish, felt the same way. There website has articles dating back to 2003, but little is known about the real owners. Kings and Emperors will soon pass away and the democracy of the United States will take their place.When the United States rules the world, the Catholic Church will rule the world.Nothing can stand against the Church. Our database now contains whois records of 355 Million (355,526,187) domain names. That’s a ~ 70% drop. Please look at the video i’ve posted here called Trump is a jesuit coadjutor. Many Christians are obeying the rules and wearing a mask or staying home so they are not likely to be singled out for persecution. Trudeau, with his minority government would like to be P.M. again and likely, the Liberals, will therefore present attractive ideas to sway the Canadian public. So when you say China will strike, I take that to meant China will finish its civil war and finally reunite the Taiwan province, by force if needed. This is Trumps role. But don’t call me crazy just yet. It’s not my problem. I was a Trump believer until he decided to instigate World War III. The bankers may be the primary beneficiaries and the rulers but they are obviously not the only ones profiting from the system. id: 'amount', Likewise, it’s not so much about “seeing is believing” as it is about “seeing is knowing”… At some point everything boils down to empirical measurements/observations and the subsequent higher-order inferences, hypothesis, principles and ‘laws’ that are derived upon them… We cannot derive the gravitation constant (or any number of other countless universal constants) from pure math alone or even from the entire known body of the laws of physics as we understand them today, even gravity has to be empirically measured to be known…, There is currently no credible nor convincing evidence whatsoever – from my standpoint at least — for the case of any hypothetical advanced species to have 1) naturally evolved on planet earth (without outside/future help of any sort) *AND* 2) the first time around (with no previous such evolutions /aeons that occurred prior/before to copy or learn from) *AND* whilst somehow bypassing not only the oil age but also the atomic age, etc…. This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to achieve the best experience possible on our website. It’s very similar to Janes., Continue Reading / Modern Survival Blog >>>, Privacy Policy (UPDATED) – Disclaimer – Terms of Use. Many online researchers have erroneously confused this site with “” which is owned by Edwin Deagle. Those survivors would be struggling financially, and economically. Happy reading! They will look to one man, one nation to save them. Seen in this light, right now a successful China is best for the greater good, and most aligns with the dispassionate overarching directive I described above… thats not to say China will always be that way or the US cannot change its strategy…. and when a pyramid scheme is losing client members, well……. Yeah, if 30% of the Liberals aren’t agreeing with this crap, the better start getting vocal because this country is going down fast. Being better prepared will help liberate you from “the system” which in many ways is designed to hold you down and keep you “dependent”. I honestly think he’s being built up as the ‘saviour avatar’ by very powerful forces behind him. I get it. That way you will believe that their real intention is to kill everyone. Here is a video with Laura Lynn Thompson and ex cia agent discussing the corruption of the systems in both the u.s. and canada. Another Jesus so to speak. I believe they are putting this out to ensure a win for Donald Trump. Kijiji merchants Any such property that has been obtained by dubious means will be taken from those who have it and distributed to those who have lived lawfully, free of opprobrium. ... Little is known about the real owner(s). The last 250 years of “American exceptionalism” is but a blip on the radar screen and the rest of the world is stabilizing back to the status quo. : Tony Bobulinski Provides the Details About the Biden Family Legacy. ranks #188,557 among over 30 millions websites in World. You need to be able to discern and understand. No society could have evolved and advanced on earth from stone age to Star Trek and completely left untouched the coal, oil, gas, etc underground nor bypassed the steam engine, internal combustion engine, industrial revolution etc…. Ranks # 73,649 in United States. The tests are meaningless. Ken Jorgustin’s survival blog focuses on a wide variety of preparedness topics varying from short to long term actions and solutions for wide-ranging scenarios of preparation… for daily life, disaster, or even SHTF collapse. It’s very sad your eyes must be covered by your mask to. Residents exited the theater crying.”. I’m the real deal. Well done! Are they creating this global threat in order to get people to follow after one man who will save them from this diabolical plan? “All money is created out of thin air” Ben Bernanke, The Pope just backed a Universal Basic Income and a lot of other stuff, every website that sells is called a merchants web site

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