Sprinkle or place bowls of sea salt around the windows and doors of your home to cleanse negativity energy. Accumulated dust and debris can have a gloomy effect on your mood and invite dark energy into your home. Hematite releases stress, anxiety and worry and creates a neutralizing effect on your body and home. Chanting mantras or singing your favorite song can also raise your spirits and oxygenate your body. Both your soul and body will thank you. These can occur between the parents, or i... Lao Tzu said, "being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Here's an optional cleansing ritual … Fill this place with joy and love; send your blessings from above. I’m a firm believer in diffusing essential oils in the home all the time, so I’m surprised that I didn’t think to use essential oils to cleanse our home when we first bought it. There are many types of incense that contain spiritual qualities and cleanse your home of adversity. Adopted from the Gullah culture of the Lowcountry, this practice is believed to keep any evil spirits from entering the home. Grounding is essential. This bad energy affects your body, mind and spirit. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Strike the bowl, and, using the mallet, circle the bowl, walk around the rooms of your home, and allow the sound to permeate each corner to bring in light. Salt is a powerful mineral. The positive energy that you do have is slowly depleted when you are surrounded by negativity. I painted the porch ceiling of my home here in Charleston haint blue and, hey, no evil spirits yet! This site is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, medical, health, You should go through every room of your house when performing cleansing rituals. There are countless healing modalities to choose from, and much like choosing the smudge that works for you, some practices will resonate with you and some might not. We often forget how much power we have within our lives, but the practice of energy clearing can renew personal autonomy by helping us learn to trust our own magical abilities. Besides ousting negativity, music relieves stress and penetrates imbalances in the air. Moving into a new place symbolizes a fresh start—an exciting opportunity to find a blank page and start penning a brand new chapter in your life. Pick up a broom, mop and vacuum and clean every room of your house. Trust that your intention to clear negativity will, in fact, clear it. Opening drawers ensures dark entities have nowhere to hide. It should feel very light, spacious, and clear. Organizing furniture and rearranging it to allow Feng Shui energy into every room also assists with clearing up stifling energy. Stuff it into your keyhole or hang it over the door to protect your domain from witches. You reach for the phone to find that your premonition was correct. Just burn an incense stick in the edges and corners of every room for an extra boost. Open the doors and windows and visualize any negativity leaving the space. Here are some ways to cleanse negativity energy from your home: White sage is a Native American plant that is traditionally used in sweat lodges. Just open up the house as much as you can. Your feet are your roots, reaching deeply into the ground. What do the stars have in store for you this year? But even so, life can get overwhelming, and sometimes we all need a helping hand. This cleansing ritual, which includes everything from smudging … You should go through every room of your house when performing cleansing rituals. But, let’s face it, moving can also be an emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting experience. Imagine them pushing through the dirt, past rocks, and underground aquifers until they reach the very center of the Earth. Through a simple laying of hands or ritual prayer, a healer can help to shift the subtle energies of your body, allowing better flow and balance to return. This herb gets rid of bad spirits and will cleanse negative energy. As you clear each room, make sure you walk counterclockwise—this is the direction used to drive out and banish bad juju. Arguably one of the most popular ways to give a home good energy, smudging is the ancient technique of burning sage and walking it through your space. Smudging sage and wafting it through your house will clear the lower vibrations. Alpha and theta brain waves purify the environment and expel any harmful spirits that are hanging around. Fill a bucket with salt and hot water and pour it over yourself, visualizing any bad vibes flowing down your drain. It taps into the emotions, thoughts, and hidden motivations of others, as well as the energies of the environment and cosmos. Raising the vibration in your home improves your mood and gets rid of adversity. You can also spray salt on your walls and put it in the corners of each room for protection. Black tourmaline: This is a grounding crystal and prevents psychic attacks and shields against electromagnetic smog. In the South, painting your porch ceiling “haint blue” is a tradition passed from generation to generation. Clairvoyance translates as “clear seeing,” meaning that events beyond our normal perceptions are received as if an invisible antenna is picking up a faraway signal. Placing them in your home allows positive energy to flow and it awakens spirituality. Plus, a warm salt bath soothes muscle aches and joints. The salt acts as a barrier against bad spirits and protects you from unfavorable entities. If you feel like your new home has some serious bad vibes, you might need to dig a little deeper to get rid of the rotten energy. By viewing, you agree to our, This herb gets rid of bad spirits and will cleanse negative energy. You can also take a swim in the ocean or any naturally-occurring body of water to clear your aura. Having a personal clearing practice is incredibly beneficial, and the methods above can greatly improve your well-being and energetic field. Now visualize any fear, anxiety, or pain passing through your feet into the ground. Trust that the planet knows what to do with this old, stagnant stuff. For example, my go-to cleansing ritual involves a spiritual bath with purifying herbs, then I use Reiki and smudging to cleanse … If you’re feeling energetically drained and heavy, consider a ritual bath using salt. Move throughout your home, letting the smoke touch each corner and doorway. I’ve found my happy home at last. Take a moment to feel the energy of the house now. All rights Reserved. When you feel like negative energy is building up in your home, you need to cleanse it spiritually. 4. And drawers, for that matter. Got a tip, kitchen tour, or other story our readers should see? Use these tones to clear yourself of unwanted energies and to call in what you desire. There are many types of clairs, such as clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance, but clairvoyance is the most well-known. The sound and vibrations of the bowl will cleanse negativity from your home. © 2009-2015 Power of Positivity. Crafting Your Own Personal Cleansing Ritual. Hematite: A crystal with the ability to absorbs toxicity from the environment. Feeling down? Set an intention for your home and visualize it being surrounded by a protective shield to prevent bad energies from entering. Imagine that your roots are anchored to the core of the planet, supported and protected. Without even a glance, you know exactly who is texting you. If you feel like your new home has some serious bad vibes, you might need to dig a little deeper to get rid of the rotten energy. The most important aspect of energy clearing is intention; any act with enough intention behind it becomes magical. Your choice of smudge is very personal. Negative energy can attach to us and block our flow, which can bring us down, … We want to help our community find and shine their inner light - the truth of love, light, and positivity that is within us all! From chanting to the ringing of bells, sound is used to frighten evil spirits, clear stagnant energy, and raise the vibration of a space. Stre... Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive information, news, expertise and opinions to this page. Self-mastery refers to the ability to control yourself with strong willpower, fighting against impulses to achieve g... As long as there are families, there will be some sort of family conflict. Lapis lazuli: This is a good luck stone that attracts abundance and prosperity into your life. Another way to cleanse negative energy is to thoroughly clean your home. Asking your guardian angels for help and guidance is another way to safeguard your house and expunge negativity. It has a clearing and purifying vibration that eliminates disharmony from the home. Try this simple Wiccan blessing spell to enhance your new home’s aura: Cleanse this space, remove the past. Music is an incredible healer, and the ritualistic use of sound is found in cultures throughout the world. A singing bowl is used in Feng Shui and clears up stagnant, dull energy in a stuffy home. Ring a bell or shake a rattle and imagine the worries leaving your space. Add a healthy amount of Epsom or sea salt to your bath water and soak away the negativity. It’s enough to stress out even the most laid-back among us. Who knew fennel could be used as a weapon against the supernatural? Julie is an entertainment and lifestyle writer living in the coastal mecca of Charleston, SC. Re-edited from a post originally published 1.31.17-LS. This grocery list isn’t just in case you get hungry from toting furniture into your new home. There are a number of options from many spiritual practices, so consider researching your own cultural heritage for inspiration. The frequencies in meditation music align the energy in your home and will cleanse negative energy. In her spare time, she enjoys watching campy SyFy creature features, DIY-ing any inanimate object within reach, and consuming lots o' tacos. Crystals have spiritual energy that cleanses, heals and balances your body and mind. Embark on a vision quest with the Tarot reading…. If you’re still struggling to lift the mental or emotional fog of a particularly challenging time, scheduling an energy healing like reiki, pranic healing, or acupuncture can be incredibly helpful. Why bring that negative energy into your new home? Here’s a simple grounding ritual that you can do anytime. Light your chosen smudge and let the smoke wrap around your body, visualizing any negative emotions or thoughts evaporating into the air. According to the Farmers’ Almanac, doing so in front of the door is said to stave off evil spirits. Bringing along your old broom means bringing along any bad luck you had at your previous home. Believe light and happiness will enter every room of the house and repeat positive affirmations. Black tourmaline, lapis lazuli, hematite and smoky quartz are known for their protective energy and can be placed around your home for cleansing. Its antibacterial properties have made it a staple in the human diet for thousands of years, helping to preserve foods and treat various health conditions. Perhaps the most popular form of energetic cleansing, smudging involves the ritualistic burning of sage, Palo Santo, or another incense of your choice. This cleansing ritual, which includes everything from smudging to “opening the circle,” leaves little to chance. Your phone buzzes from across the room. Smokey Quartz: Use this crystal to shield your home from electromagnetic and geopathic stress. Truly Beautiful Dust Pans, Brooms & Other Cleaning Tools, 9 Of Our Favorite Feel-Good Uses for Essential Oils at Home. Once you’ve tried a few different cleansing rituals with various cleansing tools, you’ll find something that feels right for you. It’s not unusual to lose a sense of stability when we’re energetically bogged down. They are also used to cleanse negative energy in the atmosphere and protect against negativity. Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us improve our site. Mixing herbs such as lavender, tea tree thyme or rosemary in the salt makes it more powerful. Wiccan Cleansing Ritual Every day our energy fields are being interfered with by people, events, and even our own thoughts. Neighbors and visitors can also bring unfavorable energy into your home.

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