Nationalism means to give more importance to unity by way of a cultural background, including language and heritage. It is because of their struggles and hard work that we are here today, living in our country safely and with respect. By wearing non-feminine clothes, McGrath appeals to value of nontraditional gender roles. Question 2. In August 2017, following the fights over the universal healthcare debate, TCA Regional News reported that Democrat Amy McGrath is running for Congress in the state of Kentucky against Republican Andy Barr in 2018 (Yeager). Patriotism is generally defined as loyalty and love for one's country. It’s an optimal length to open up the issue, but don’t make the writing work wordy. Answer: It is a natural one, born from a sense of love, respect and passion towards a country. What kind of virtue is patriotism? I believe that patriotism is actively showing your support for your country, standing up for what you believe in, and fighting for our individual free will and independence. In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong," the naval officer meant that dissention with regards to foreign policy can, Trade Center and the Pentagon have caused confusion on the topic of patriotism. Some believe patriotism is simply the act of supporting the decisions of the leaders of the country. It makes the nation stronger. Trade Center and the Pentagon have caused confusion on the topic of patriotism. Our soldiers stand at the border(s) each and every day to keep this country or us safe. For example, people do not fly the flag of Malaysia's independence anniversary celebrations when the country is run. Others say, to be patriotic… Because of this nationwide patriotism, it is to be expected that arguments have arisen over the National Football League players who kneel while the National Anthem plays, Patriotism in history class can and does contribute acts of racism in our society. Patriots=ism is also seen in other country’s and can cause just as much of a commotion. Movie and television producers are even honored for showing devoted love, support and or the defense of ones country, which after all is the definition of patriotism. When Decatur stated, "Our country! About. But being that close should not be considered an issue. It also makes one to think only of one`s country`s virtues and makes one try to find justification for the mistakes made in the past. Amy McGrath explains that in a previous experience of hers, her local Congressman wrote to her that he believed that women should not be allowed to serve in combat as the image of the letter appears on screen with the parts mentioned highlighted. ... . It does not always mean fighting and being violent, it means showing passion and sacrifice towards the nation. Question 3. Get help with your writing. Yes. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Being patriotic is not just about waving your flag on Independence day. The nation does not belong to one person, rather it belongs to all of us so all of us must come together to make our nation the best. Since lately, the issue of patriotism increasingly outdated in many communities in our country at present often dealt. I tend to side with Galston and Fullinwider with the feeling that our history needs to be taught in an inspiring sort of way. Racism has always been an issue in American society, but perhaps today it is more important, Service Shows More than Patriotism In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States we are seeing many forms of Patriotism. Is it gathering with friends and setting off fireworks, or is patriotism a feeling that transcends words? ‘Red, White, and Beer’ is a short two and a half page essay written by Dave Barry. ...Patriotism We refer to our nation as the ‘motherland’ and love towards it is a must. I was suprised to find when I researched this word that it had a negative feeling associated with it. If our nation is to survive its current challenges, the definition of a true patriot must be clear. There are 3 patriotic days that we celebrate in our ‘motherland’ India – January 26: when the constitution of India was made, August 15: when India was declared a free country and October 2: the birthday of Gandhi Ji. The healthcare reform debate has been on the minds of many Americans in recent years. Patriotism is standing when the national anthem plays. Patriotism Patriotism also pertains to value responsibilities rather than just valuing loyalty towards one`s own country and enables people to understand both the shortcomings and improvements made. Dave Barry goes back and forth between a declarative, and an underlying declarative sentence structure. That’s not to say that patriotism is inherently bad—many wars have been won for just causes because of it. In the past, India has had a few glorious freedom fighters who fought India’s freedom and sacrificed their lives to help the country become free and flourish. Based on statements above, I think patriotism … This process aims at the unification of the people within the state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run. By not covering the histories of oppressed people in depth and with the respect it deserves, those who are privileged do not understand what is happening when they see minorities protesting injustice or advocating for civil rights. Essay on “Patriotism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Sure, we came up 8 words short. Nationalism is also a feeling that one`s country is superior to another in all aspects. What benefit do we truly gain by teaching young Americans that yes, in fact, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great American whose work during the Civil Rights Movement was essential to where we have progressed to as a society today, but he was also an adulterer and plagiarist? “Islam enjoins upon every person to strive for the good of his country and lose himself in its service, render utmost service to the nation (ummah) in which he lives, and to give precedence to kinship and neighbourliness (in acts of benevolence).” Hasan Al-Banna, Risalat al-Mu’tamar al-Khamis. Can we really pretend to ignore the fact and act of finger-pointing and quarrelling that is going on within the country. The youth of a country are the ambassadors of change and they tend to work for the world they wish to live in, so we must respect them and use the power we have to make a change and give back to this nation, which has given everything to us. Are you proud of him? Answer: It helps in developing a country and also makes it prosper. This appeals to nontraditional gender roles because it persuades the viewers that McGrath is different because she is a woman who broke the mold in a male-dominated area. The concept of patriotism is just as debated and relevant today as it was during the Civil War. Many believe patriotism to be blind obedience to one's nation. Harry Brighouse is quite different than Galston and Fullinwider in that he believes that by keeping the full truth, gruesome or not, from those that are being educated that we are doing a great disservice to them. Showcasing the love for the country only on occasions such as Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti is not true patriotism. Sometimes they even force patriotism on their constituents with fear-mongering techniques, which can have dangerous implications. Others believe the flag also represents our history as a nation, but these beliefs focus much more heavily on the negative aspects of our history; such as slavery and other injustices carried out by our nation. 1 through 30 The faith and freedom awards are received if ones film promotes positive American values, in most cases patriotism. As Shakespeare says “Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never tastes of death once.”. McGrath is also seen with having short hair and wearing a dark bomber jacket, white button-up, and loose pants. If for some reason you are required to write 250 words minimum, you can make the essay longer by sprinkling in a few extra words. People will always have an opinion and we will, most likely, never be able to please every single person. The healthcare debate has come to a standstill in Congress as deep party lines persist. Patriotism was one of the first reasons Television was made, and sense then has continued to contribute to TV and theater all around the world. Based on statements above, I think patriotism is better for nation-building. But do you still love him? Patriotism also pertains to value responsibilities rather than just valuing loyalty towards one`s own country and enables people to understand both the shortcomings and improvements made. It makes the nation become a better place to live in where everyone lives in harmony. It can also mean helping those in need such as victims of floods and earthquakes; you can play your part by donating to relief funds to help these people. Some of those freedom fighters and greatest patriots were Maulana Azad, Rani Lakshmi Bai and Bhagat Singh. Though now, even I question the fact, do we really? Some follow it blindly, some reject and oppose it, some stand indifferent, and others choose to follow it cautiously. Dave Barry’s rhetorical strategies of underlying declarative sentence structure, informal writing style, and intended audience make his sarcastic argument that ‘retail patriotism’ is a mockery of real patriotism a strong criticism against major corporations misleading what it truly means to be American. It also can be a little aggressive and radical by nature. Some say it is unpatriotic to oppose the war, but hear me out; say if your kid brings home a bad report card. Hence, Voting is very important because it helps the citizens of a nation get better facilities. The Entire 250-word Essay … On the surface, this essay seems to be for pure entertainment purposes. Nation-building can involve the use of propaganda or major infrastructure development to foster social harmony and economic growth. The debate regarding the education of our children has been going on since the institutionalization of education and will continue as long as we are a liberal democracy full of free thinking citizens. Patriotism is a person’s level of loyalty toward their country. Tourist and foreigners that comes to our country are at awed at how we live in harmony. Patriotism is putting your hand on your heart to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Therefore, every American's duty is to define patriotism amongst the clamor of reaction, recapture the American flag's representation, and create a new icon for the flag. It also leads to the elimination of selfishness and corruption which will help the country grow and develop faster. Vision; Website Inauguration Function. Essay on United Nations Organization. It is a commendable quality and is never spoon-fed, rather it is inbuilt in some people. Opinions also differ on the idea of what the American flag represents. I prefer to quote Carl Schurz, the German revolutionary and, later, American political scientist who said, “My country … if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.” Schurz's idea of patriotism is often referred to today as “loyal opposition.” This means seeking to change the social behavior of your country out of feelings of national love and patriotic duty.... ...surrounding the idea of patriotism and the iconography of the American flag in today's society. If so, one wonders how we have managed to remain a democracy all these years. What is interesting about the breed of patriotism that has arisen in Hollywood, however, is that it does not place blind, veterans who fought for it. However, patriotism's definition varies depending on how "loyalty" and "country" are themselves defined. This once again shows the governments steps to show patriotism in films and television. In this essay, I shall state the risks of following patriotism blindly and the risks involved in rejecting patriotism completely, Patriotism and Its Meaning 613 words article on volcanoes . Answer: Equality means patriotism because both refer to equal rights and considers everyone equally irrespective of the colour, caste, race or religion. McGrath is shown to walking with her husband and young children down a grassy hill.

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