ex: "The newest model electric cars use batteries that are cheaper, lighter, and last longer than older models' batteries. Positive And Negative Effects Of Coronavirus, Positive And Negative Effects Of Games And Sports, Positive And Negative Effects Of Artificial Intelligence, what were some of the effects of or results of european exploration on europe and the native americans, how did the lockdown affect the quarantine, how did european exploration modify the environment. Effect on Prices: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. The education board in various nations can’t organize the board exams on scheduled exam dates due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, support the initiative of the government and stay socially distant but emotionally connected to curb coronavirus. Why does a blocking 1/1 creature with double strike kill a 3/2 creature? But if there is more competition in the market for those products, the prices have to come down, for e.g., canned juices from various brands. Loss of Jobs: Due to lockdown, number of laborers in industries have reduced. Idiom to be used as replacement of “A coin has two sides”, Creating new Help Center documents for Review queues: Project overview, Idiom to be used in a situation where someone doesn't want to work, but still does, because one can't survive without earning money, Different idiom to “there are two sides to every coin”, I need a proverb or idiom which can roughly mean “He has taken up more jobs than he can handle”. A scale also represents equilibrium. 2.1. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Black and white Economic role of Advertising It is not a journalist but gives all information. Every choice each character makes has a good or bad consequence, and ultimately shapes them as well as their future. David Anthony Learnt new Tools, and Software: Due to lockdown you have learnt new online tools and software to study via digital classrooms and work via virtual office spaces. Some advertised products do cost more than unadvertised products but the vice versa is also true. ENG-101-A01 College Comp 1 Why is the Internet usually seen as a “bad” influence on students and as the one “bad” entity that developed with technology? I already know: "Every cloud has a silver lining" and "A coin has two sides." Why didn't the Imperial fleet detect the Millennium Falcon on the back of the star destroyer? As people are performing religious rituals at home, water sources have become cleaner. Ideally, this includes equal (more or less direct) participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law. Coronavirus has caused a lot of disaster in the world. What's the catch? are also shut down during this pandemic. Loss of studies: One of the major adverse impacts of lockdown is seen on the academics of students who are not able to attend classroom learning sessions. Blue represents my dearest friend Andres Ramirez because he is a man of intellect, confidence, loyalty, and truth. Democracy is a form of government whereby citizens take part in the decision making and administration of the country. Your original line, written as close to the original but corrected for grammar and meaning. It costs less to operate than your current car and I can have you driving it today without any downpayment. The... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, International Financial Reporting Standards Essay. So please share some new alternatives. Quality is defined as: In Russian there is an idiom "a stick has two ends" meaning that when you fight with a stick you can strike yourself when attempting to strike the opponent. The guest-host customs of Ancient Greece include giving shelter and gifts to strangers. This has resulted in a drastic reduction in the global economy. ex: "Mr. Smith says that his wife left him because she didn't love him anymore, but every story has two sides; she claims that he had a mistress. Simply just asking him to stop wont halt his rampage. The situation is getting terrible day by day as there is no vaccine invented yet to treat this virus. Please correct me and also let me know alternative ways to say this! Required fields are marked *. Due to shut down of industries, disposal of sewage, detergents, toxic, and other chemical wastes into water has greatly reduced. For e.g. If a person is driving a car and they choose to send a text, this distraction could cause a fatal accident. Homer uses the themes of revenge and justice in The Odyssey to show that a person arrives at their own downfall through disregard for others. Prof. Rosie Soy Polyphemus, a Cyclops, pays no heed to Zeus’ guest-host customs, trapping and ultimately eating Odysseus’ crewmembers. Book featuring an encounter with a mind-reading centaur. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He is the type of person to think outside of the box whenever the situation gets... ...“Every coin has two sides” Advertising is praised but also criticized by critics in their own ways. 1 Here are a few that came to mind, including the sort of context in which they might be used. During WWII Adolf Hitler began the extermination of the Jews about last 1941. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Film industry, tourism industry, aviation industry, railways, IT companies, industries, etc. The state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss It could also be used derisively by someone who doesn't believe the wonderful things he or she is being told. The advertised products are not always the best products in the market. To control its quick transmission among people, the only option that the government of different nations has is to impose lockdown in their individual countries. Modern information technology brings great convenience in our daily life; however, as every coin has two sides, "Seeing is not believing" [1] and tampered images have flooded everywhere due to the fast development of various powerful and sophisticated image manipulation and modification tools. The standard of something as measured against other things of similar kinds The high usage of the Internet among today’s college students can be either a bad or a good influence. ), ex: "I've been telling you about the ruthless behavior of the guerrilla forces, but honestly, the issue isn't black and white, the government in this area has been committing crimes against its people for decades.". Thanks. Your email address will not be published. First of all, democracies allow populations to peacefully and regularly oust inept, inefficient and corrupt government administrators, while allowing people to keep more efficient, successful regimes, thus tending to make the quality of governance on average higher in the long run. Same goes with lockdown. Every coin has two sides. Two ways to remove duplicates from a list. mobile phones were first considered as necessity but nowadays the cell phones come with number of features which makes them mode of convenience for consumers. This has resulted in the loss of studies of students. However, if lockdown has not been implemented, the condition of the world would have been severe. This... ...The Two Sides of My Coin Something that is multifaceted can be looked at from many points of view, with each point of view showing something new. Are Landlord's exclusion clauses of "any loss of life or loss, injury or damage to person or property" too onerous on Tenant? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I would use this if I were talking about an argument between two people or organizations who had opposite points of view. @Jim Agreed - as long as there's an appropriate solution, one liners are acceptable answers. What is an idiom used for when we say something unfortunate and it comes true? One of it is cyber bullying. Safety on the other hand is defined as the 'quality of averting or not causing injury danger or loss', which denotes safety as a resultant of quality therefore quality enhances, ensures and guarantees safety. Financial loss: As all businesses except utility businesses are closed, the earning capacity of people has substantially reduced. Millions of people have lost their lives due to this life-threatening virus. I think the. In this way medical expenditure has also reduced. Two sides/two-sided It's not usually used for objects (except gems, perhaps, in its literal form.). Cleaner roads, and air, proves to be beneficial for birds and terrestrial animals. Safety is defined as: This indicates that quality and safety by definition have a symbiotic relationship, but could Quality and Safety be seen as two sides of the same medal? November 19, 2014 This has contributed a lot towards enhancing the workflows and procedures that are needed for operating teams, or studying through online mode. However, there's no such thing as a free lunch, and these batteries contain a wide range of toxic compounds that sometimes explode. Melduard Hernandez As billions of people are locked in their houses, vehicles have reduced on the road, and air, entry of tourists is stopped, and industries have shut down, pollution has reduced to a significant extent. It is often the case that “bad” gets the attention of the society. I need an alternative idiom for 'A coin has 2 sides' to make my writing piece look richer and comprising broader lexical resource. Can we stick to one mere definition of “good” and “bad”? Thus some professional like... ...NAME: EVANS KWAME ADJEI Value of Products: You might say, "As we know, nothing interesting is ever completely one-sided.". Advertising has many positive impacts along with its negative pictures. This is definitely true of the characters in Homer’s The Odyssey.

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