Simple application of this feng shui concept can be done by identifying the element of the roof color, then assessing if elemental clashes are present against the roof shape, house exterior color, and the facing direction of the house. Individual who sleep in a bedroom located in these areas can also be badly afflicted by them. Please help us improve. In classical feng shui, the north-facing house direction is the career luck sector. This include decorate any front door stoop, porch, patio, or deck. While north east is also an area with favorable stars to locate a bedroom, because of it’s alignment with the facing of the house, the better choice would still be the east. You can read up more about kitchen feng shui here. If you live where a side street is busier than the street at the front of your house, then that side of the house is your facing direction. The priority should be given to the breadwinner of the family if it is a single income household. Feng Shui Colors – Direction #1 – The North From the first image, it’s clear that North direction is the zone of water element and governs luck in career; so if you’re eyeing “that well deserved promotion” or a highly successful career, than North direction of your home must be really strong. This direction is ideal for anyone with the kua number 4 since it matches the eight aspirations. Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra for Your Home? © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. Water is the element for the north sector. However, none of them - with the exception of your bedroom - is as important as a good feng shui front door. With a north facing house, you can paint your front door either black or dark blue, the two colors that are associated with the north sector. This why if you want to feng shui your own north facing house, then you need to have a basic understanding of basic feng shui principles so that you can apply them to your own house. By using The Spruce, you accept our, Create a Strong Feng Shui Front Door in Order to Attract Good Chi, The Best Feng Shui Colors for a West-Facing Front Door, Best Feng Shui Colours for Your Southwest Front Door, Feng Shui Colors for a Northeast Front Door, Feng Shui Colors for Your Southeast Front Door, Best Feng Shui Colors for Your South Front Door. Choose metal outdoor furniture for a porch, deck, or patio. The kua number can be calculated using a simple formula. You can place a water fountain/feature. The north sector is where your nien yen (love) is located and is one of your good luck directions. These include fire, wood, and earth elements. If you can apply new paint to your front door, then all this info sounds easy and reasonable. If the boy is of young age, then the northeast would be of importance as it is where the ken trigram resides. A north-facing house in feng shui can become a career magnet with a few simple tips. So, the best feng shui colors for a North facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): blue, black, white, and gray. The exception is when the examples we use here is exactly the same as your house. You can use simple feng shui tips to make your home a harmonious place to live. The easiest way to strengthen the feng shui energy needed for your specific front door is to go for the right choice of color. The feng shui element of North direction is Water, and the corresponding feng shui bagua energy is the energy of Career & Path in Life. Something to note about this particular star chart is that there are two 2-5 star combinations located in the west and southeast. The key point here is that you would need to learn basic feng shui and apply them to your house yourself instead of finding a report which you can meticulously follow to the letter. It must be said again that roof colors … In feng shui, it is taboo to place a water feature on the right side of a front door. 8 mansions feng shui. If your kua number falls in the west group, a north facing house will be in conflict with your good and bad directions. Use the colors blue and black along with any of the metal colors for an attractive north-facing front entrance. These colors represent the elements of Wood, Earth, and Fire that are weakening/destructive for the Water element of North direction (according to the five elements destructive cycle). Welcome mats can be in feng shui water or metal colors. Feng Shui Water Element Colors for North Facing Door Your front door is the entrance that allows auspicious chi energy into your home. Once you determine what group you're in, you can see if a north-facing house is a good match for you. Among the favorable sectors that has positive energy, one of which is yen nien sector which brings relationship harmony when nurtured. The kua 9 sheng xhi (wealth) is the east sector. 8 mansions feng shui is a school of thought that identifies 4 good and 4 bad area of a house. You can capitalize on this powerful energy to boost your career and propel you up the corporate ladder.

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