She was the mother of Pheme, goddess of fame and rumour. I previously wrote about hope in Hebrew as well as the Greek goddess Elpis, who appeared in the story of Pandora. Developing an ecotheology of critical hope in Cascadia. 11, 2 [ET]; ad Trall. So, the gods created Pandora, and gave her a bunch of “gifts” that led mainly to misery and deceit, but also beauty and hope. It is also possible to take action that ensures a negative outcome, having given up on the positively-hoped-for outcome. Due to the lack of reasoning on why she remained in the jar, there are many different interpretations on why Elpis did not escape, and still to this day, there is still great debate on this subject. Gravlee’s explication of Aristotle led me to wonder whether perhaps there is a “hope in a negative direction,” as in, an expectation that what we fear will occur. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Athena then appears and demanded that Kratos return to her the power of Hope. In this story, it was said that the powerful Greek God, Zeus, trapped Elpis and other evil spirits in a jar (or often referred to as Pandora’s box), and then decided to give this jar to Pandora. Interestingly, Greeks did not see hope as a god, but rather as an extension of suffering. Perhaps he will be able to have “courageous confidence,” as Aristotle terms good-hope. In the Legend of Pandora, Pandora simply could not resist the temptation of what was inside Pandora's Box. Momigliano, "Religion in Athens, Rome, and Jerusalem," p. 75., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Clark, Mark Edward. Hope involves experiencing fear, and our response to that fear determines whether our action is euelpis (courageous good-hope) or self-sabotaging resignation: whether we’ve recognized our fear and decided to move in the direction of our hoped-for future anyway, or whether we’ve remained frozen by fear and intentionally taken actions (or intentionally not acted) to bring about our feared future. inscr. Kratos releasing the power of Hope to the world. In the Greek myth of Pandora’s box, found in Hesiod’s Works & Days, Pandora—the first female human being created by the gods—is given a gift from each of the gods, and these are placed in a box (or jar, really). Elpis is actually the name of the Greek goddess for hope, or at least for expectation. One cannot hope unless there’s a chance that one’s hope will not be realized. In God of War, it was believed that Kratos had absorbed the evils of Pandora's Box in order to defeat Ares. She advised him to seek out Pandora's Box once more, in order to use the power of Hope that she believed it still contained against Zeus. Elpis is the personification and spirit of hope. (That this example of negative hope fits so well within the system of the psychology of hope is one of the reasons I think the psychological understanding doesn’t fully explain hope, helpful as it may be.). [6], At Capua in 110 BC, a temple was built to the triad of Spes, Fides, and Fortuna. (13) Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace. Elpis was the personification of hope in Greek mythology, the daughter of the primordial deity Nyx.She was the mother of Pheme, goddess of fame and rumour.She was usually represented as a young lady bearing flowers or a cornucopia. It was possible that Hope finally gave redemption to the escaped souls of the. If you use any of the content on this page in your own work, please use the code below to cite this page as the source of the content. Fears can point toward hope if one takes the time to mentally process one’s reaction. I also talked about the elements involved in the cognitive process of hoping, according to psychologists. (Looking at this passage from Corinthians through the lens of the Pandora myth, I wonder if Paul also had this story in mind when he wrote this passage. It is what we fight with when all else is lost.. Hmm…I might have to look into this further.). Change ). Hope is definitely a practice, a practice of learning to balance, like learning to tightrope walk. He would be actively making his expected future inevitable by setting steps in motion to bring about the feared outcome. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Imperial Hope. (Disclaimer: this is not to say that we should seek out or cause situations where we can experience more suffering. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. After doing research on the concept of hope in psychology, I found this framework of hope useful, but not a sufficient understanding of hope from a faith-based perspective. [1], During the Republic, a temple to "ancient Hope" (Spes vetus) was supposed to have been located near the Praenestine Gate. But perhaps we can imagine and experience a different framework, one where we help hold that hope for one another. Spes is a Goddess of hope. In English, we’ve come to use the term “hope” to mean acting courageously to bring about a future we perceive as positive, while in classical Greek the term had not taken on this meaning but was any action taken in order to bring about a future state. In ancient Roman religion, Spes was the goddess of hope. (Interestingly, in that passage, it’s a plural “you,” the Kingdom of God is within and among you collectively. A temple to "ancient Hope" (Spes vetus) was supposed to have been located near the Praenestine Gate. Again, I want to be careful about any indications here regarding clinical depression. I am so glad to “meet” you! She could have kept them contained in the jar, but…she didn’t. When I say this is a choice, I’m not certain that it is a choice we can all make ourselves without the help of medication. A person who hopes for a positive outcome but does not act courageously in the face of his or her fear is, according to Aristotle, not really hoping: he or she does not take the courageous steps needed in order to bring about that good end, it’s just expecting something positive to happen in the future. Elpis is actually the name of the Greek goddess for hope, or at least for expectation. [9], The Greek counterpart of Spes was Elpis, who by contrast had no formal cult in Greece. [8], Like Salus ("Salvation, Security"), Ops ("Abundance, Prosperity"), and Victoria ("Victory"), Spes was a power that had to come from the gods, in contrast to divine powers that resided within the individual such as Mens ("Intelligence"), Virtus ("Virtue"), and Fides ("Faith, Fidelity, Trustworthiness"). Elpis’ only important role in Greek mythology was in a story of Pandora (the first woman created by the gods), specifically in one of Hesiod’s poems called “Work and Days”. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. My ultimate goal is to then do similar reinterpretation (or “remix,” thanks to Wess Daniels, see my post on his book) of these received traditions to speak to the need for hope in our current context, in which humanity seems to be having a difficult time finding hope for the future, and therefore we’re using up all our planet’s resources right now with no thought to future generations. In “Aristotle on Hope,” Gravlee clarifies two different Greek words Aristotle uses that are generally translated “hope,” one which means something more like expectation (ελπιϛ = elpis, though it is used in the Christian Testament to mean a deeper hope), and one that gets more at what we generally mean by the term hope: ευελπις (euelpis), “eu” meaning good and “elpis” meaning expectation—in other words, expectations for a positive future, as opposed to regular elpis, which could refer to expecting either a positive or a negative future. Maybe it’s easier to not feel. Kratos then stated that the Box was empty. Or, with this mythology as a major basis for Western culture, a worldview that is infecting humanity around the world in this globalized system, does this fatalistic understanding of human identity lead inevitably to self-destruction? Hope freed to mankind by Kratos in God of War III. Interestingly, Greeks did not see hope as a god, but rather as an extension of suffering. This was exactly the research that I wanted to discover today! Elpis hung on or was caught in the lip of the jar and did not escape before the lid was replaced. During this time with the power of Hope now given to humanity, the people of Greece have learned to move on and rebuild without the need of the Olympian Gods. . Hope involves experiencing fear, and our response to that fear determines whether our action is, Cascadia, the Elusive Utopia: book review, part 1, “Hope” in the Christian Testament – Cherice Bock, “Quaker Spirituality” in Protestant Spiritual Traditions, vol. Imagining this in light of the present environmental context, however, is hope enough to keep all of the other evils that human beings unleash on the world from overwhelming and destroying us and the world’s ecosystems? Momigliano, "Religion in Athens, Rome, and Jerusalem," p. 75., Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Clark, Mark Edward. ( Log Out /  We cannot put Pandora’s other “gifts” back into the jar, but does hope provide us a deep enough reservoir from which to draw in order to learn to live in a way that is less destructive? So, the presence of fear shows that there is still a spark of hope. Spes Augusta was Hope associated with the capacity of the emperor as Augustus to ensure blessed conditions. However, Kratos had actually consumed the power of Hope to gain the strength to defeat his former master. The Greeks had ambivalent or even negative feelings about "hope",[10] and the concept was unimportant in the philosophical systems of the Stoics and Epicureans.[11]. [4], A well-documented temple of Spes was built by Aulus Atilius Calatinus[5] along with Fides, as the result of vows (vota) made to these goddesses during the First Punic War. The Greek word we translate “hope” is elpis, ἐλπίς (noun), or elpizo, ἐλπίζω (verb). The act of courage in the face of fear, on the other hand—of willingness to recognize one’s vulnerability and pursue one’s goal anyway—is the agency required in the hope system. Fears, "The Theology of Victory at Rome," p. 744. Create a free website or blog at In psychology, hope basically refers to the ability to create and complete (or adjust) goals, while hope in the realm of spiritual faith has more to do with a long-term sense of moving in the direction of a hope that is larger than anything we can accomplish in a lifetime. These languages and their thought-worlds contributed to the ways that the authors of the Christian scriptures used language to try to put spiritual experiences on paper. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As seen on the Amphora Vase within Tyr's Vault. Both of these types of Aristotelian hope (positive and negative) can be distinguished from apathy, in which case we do not even feel fear—or perhaps we have acted so long in a state of self-sabotaging resignation that we are numb to the fear. "Spes in the Early Imperial Cult: 'The Hope of Augustus'. ~Gracie K. So glad this was useful for you, Gracie! Learn how your comment data is processed. Athena, after she said that Mortals could not yet wield such power, pulled out the Blade of Olympus from Kratos' torso and walked away. Spes Augusta was Hope associated with the capacity of the emperor as Augustus to ensure blessed conditions. 2, Videos: NEYM, “A Quaker Ecology: Meditations on the Future of Friends”, “A Quaker Ecology: Meditations on the Future of Friends” | New England Yearly Meeting, Book Release | “Quaker Spirituality” in Protestant Spiritual Traditions, vol. In this case, my son’s resignation was leading him to want to take active steps to ensure the feared future outcome would occur. Hesiod does not specifically say why Elpis remained in the jar. In developing an ecotheology of critical hope, one of the things that is important is to understand what the biblical authors mean when they’re discussing hope in the Bible.

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