As I mentioned before, there’s a lot that can go wrong with a hurdy gurdy. Hurdy Gurdies for Sale By George & Anwyn Leverett. Without a name to search, you’re out of luck. Typically these inferior creations are sold via eBay and other large retail sites, so watch out. The most popular color? So long as you have an expert with you, and you trust the seller, then you could pick up a bargain. It may not be so simple. It’s less convenient than the Amazon-style instant gratification that we’re used to. Nowadays, the instrument has a small but passionate fanbase in early and folk music circles. Kürschner Hurdy Gurdy Bass String. They’ll appear cheap – in the $800-1,200 range – but they’ll be worth peanuts. The inner workings get complicated, and there can be problems that aren’t readily apparent from the outside. He's a multi-instrumentalist and loves researching, writing, and geeking out about music. Look closer, though, and you’ll notice some issues. The hurdy-gurdy is one of those instruments that most people will have heard of (possibly thanks to Donavan’s 60s classic Hurdy Gurdy Man), but few will know anything about, and even fewer will know where to buy one! Lazar’s Early Music is a very popular shop for all things Renaissance and Baroque. It takes a while to make a hurdy gurdy, and good makers are hard to find. Silvio Orlandi original hurdy gurdy vielle a roue drehleier ghironda Nova Extra Ads are shown to you based on a number of factors like relevancy and the amount sellers pay per click. Yes! Or, you can order a new one directly from the maker, and get a custom instrument. Germany | English (US) | € (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. With over 1,300 instruments built, you are getting years of playtesting. If you’re looking for something affordable, these things are going to burn a hole in your wallet. Looks like you already have an account! We have been creating high quality, lovingly crafted instruments since 1994. Saying no will not stop you from seeing Etsy ads, but it may make them less relevant or more repetitive. First off, they are rarely sold under any kind of maker’s name. Unless you’re completely confident in your abilities, try to find a hurdy gurdy in good working order. While it doesn’t have new hurdy gurdies for sale, it does have used instrument listings. This list includes popular makers who have easily accessible websites, with information about the instruments they make and how best to order. Don’t be that person. Our C.d.'s. The Hurdy Gurdy Marketplace on Facebook is the most active online market for used hurdy gurdies. The French model has six strings (two melody and four drones) and is not ideal for the beginner. That should make you wonder about who exactly is making them! These are all signs to watch out for, without even getting into the technical aspects of the instrument itself. ASUS VT168H. Manufacturers Name. They are aren’t updated frequently, but the site is worth checking on every so often. Especially if they have ‘plenty of stock’, that should set the alarm bells ringing immediately (good musical instruments are typically not mass-produced!) However, it is very important to do all of your homework before buying off of eBay. We crafted the hurdy gurdy for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, featured in this year's production of 'Shakespeare In Love' . You’ll find “for sale” postings from all over the world, and a fairly active community that can offer advice and recommendations. Old Hurdy-Gurdy / 21 keys / Ukrainian Lira,author's work ,In the wardrobe trunk C $1,649.75 C $164.9… Building a hurdy gurdy instrument can be a massively rewarding experience, but will also take a lot of time. When you see a hurdy gurdy for sale, it is very important to make sure that it was built properly. However, you won’t get anything even remotely close to an actual hurdy gurdy experience if you try to play it. Instruments for sale: Contact us: Useful links: Resources: Hurdy Gurdies We are Hurdy Gurdy makers producing instruments based on historic examples by Colson, Pimpard, Louvet, Pajot, Nigout and Decante. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsy’s Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. 25 € 2 . There is a third option for people who want to save some money and get more intimately acquainted with the inner workings of their hurdy gurdy: building from a kit. You may end up having flashbacks to the Netscape Navigator days of the late 90s. How to Get Your First Gig [And Have Them Take You Seriously], Best Guitarist of All Time? A word of warning: this is still very much a Web 1.0 site! Compared to more popular or simpler instruments, there are relatively few hurdy gurdy makers out there. Let’s cut to the chase. The most common hurdy gurdy material is metal. Hurdy gurdies have been played since Medieval times. 309 € 7 . Hurdy Gurdies crafted with Love, played with joy! Well you're in luck, because here they come. Customer Comments. Following on from the point above about build quality, look out for the manufacturer’s name. Otherwise, you’re buying a very expensive wall hanging. For someone who may be more used to guitar or ukulele prices, $1,000 seems like a lot of money to spend on an instrument. There are various options, according to Hurdy Gurdy Weekly you should opt for three of four strings only if you’re just starting out, such as the Hungarian model (that has one or two melody and two drones). A maker with a bunch of unsold instruments is either making them too quickly or isn’t very popular. Here are some useful links to other resources: Ged is editor-in-chief and founder of Zing Instruments. Great! Of course, if it were easy to build a hurdy gurdy, a lot more people would do it. The historical hurdy-gurdy is a mechanical kind of fiddle that creates an ‘eternal’ sound made by the rosined wheel (attached to a handle) rotating along strings by a crank, which, similar to the bagpipe, is accompanied by a humming drone. They also offer restoration and repair services. Want to hang out with other players? For those, there’s a great article from Hurdy Gurdy Weekly on what to look for when you see one for sale. Even then, there’s a lot that can (and will) go wrong, and you could end up with a very expensive and very unplayable money pit. All Rights Reserved Registered Address – Dramatik, c/o Wesley Offices, 74 Silver Street, Bristol, BS48 2DS. They say that good things come to those who wait. Chances are, you’ll have to email or call to place your order. Since kits usually don’t have a lot in the way of spare parts, one wrong move can have serious consequences. It’s not uncommon to spend $2000 upwards for a new one – the ‘full monty’ model sold by Altarwind (see below) sells for a whopping $4495. We know how much fun it is to play the hurdy gurdy, and can't wait to share them with you! You’ll rarely find one new for under $1000. There are lots of inferior instruments knocking about the internet just waiting to be sold to the next bright-eyed hurdy-gurdy enthusiast. That’s one of the reasons why finding a hurdy gurdy for sale is so hard! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hurdy gurdies. Another thing you’ll notice is that they usually have a lot of inventory. But it does mean that you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, and maybe customize a few options on your new hurdy gurdy. There also aren’t many sites with “one-click”-style ordering for hurdy gurdies. Where To Find New Hurdy Gurdies. Buying off a marketplace like eBay is another option, but tread carefully and make sure you seek the advice of an expert before you part your cash. Beware of cheap imitations. 27 € Scala Vilagio 6-string Bass Viol Set. World Folk is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to innovation, and experience in each instrument. Finally, you’ll end up noticing that the listings are often poorly written and full of inaccuracies. How to Find a Song’s Key From Its Chords, ©2020 - 3.409 € Schlagwerk 14" Bodhran Neotrad Black. Unless you know what you’re looking for, you’re better off going with a reputable luthier even if it costs you a bit extra. It’s an especially valuable resource for anyone without a teacher nearby, since it helps players build good technique. There are 132 hurdy gurdy for sale on Etsy, and they cost €310.87 on average. 1.790 € Thomann Chinese GuQin. It’s also worth noting that the UGears mechanical hurdy-gurdy model that you can buy on Amazon is in no way an actual hurdy gurdy. “Cheap” is a very relative term. Hurdy gurdy making is a slow and highly technical process. More Information ... More Information. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. The pictures are nice, the listings use flowery language, and the price seems to be right. They are usually sold on eBay and other large retail sites, usually in the $800-1,200 range. our best sellers. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. If you’re adamant you want to try, try either of these two hurdy-gurdy kit makers: So there you have it. The hurdy-gurdy community is very small – if you’re looking for a jam, your nearest hurdy-gurdy playing neighbor maybe thousands of miles away! Did you scroll all this way to get facts about hurdy gurdy? Luckily, there are a lot of great options for the aspiring hurdy gurdy player. Or, the grammar might just be poor. There are many hurdy gurdies made cheaply in workshops in eastern Europe and Asia. New! You can sometimes find cheaper ones, but as I’ll explain below, you should be very careful. If you’re a little impatient or want to save some money, there are a few places to find used hurdy gurdies for sale. The 'Aquitaine' The 'Aquitaine' Full Featured 5 string Hurdy Gurdy Starting at $1,795.00 More... for the discerning player on a budget . Feb - Oct 29, 2017: Live Hurdy Gurdy! As you’ll read, there’s a lot that goes into making a functional hurdy gurdy. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. ABBBBBdBB BBbBBByBBBB BBExquisitePrintsBooks, ABBBBBdBB BBbBBByBBBB BBLincolnCollectibles, ABBBBBdBB BBbBBByBBBB BBWinckelmannGallery, ABBBBBdBB BBbBBByBBBB BBPuzzleCollectionUK. You also want to be able to look up reviews, other players’ experiences, etc. However, they have affordably priced hurdy gurdies for sale that are made in the USA, which is fairly rare. It’s certainly not great for the impatient, but it does give you time to think about what you want. Please update to the latest version. If you have experience with instrument repair or woodworking and have the proper tools, you may have an advantage. 215 € 275 € 5 . It’s a little pricey, but compared to your new gurdy it’s a drop in the bucket. He's also got an unhealthy obsession with vintage VW Campervans. It’s much easier to learn on. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. While you can buy a kit, this isn’t for the feign hearted. As you can probably imagine, you can’t go to Home Depot for hurdy gurdy keys. They’re complicated instruments that require a lot of time and expertise to build. If you want to buy a hurdy-gurdy, you’ll be hard-pressed to find one on Amazon, that’s for sure. Please. Symphonies We make a Symphonie loosely based on historical … Here’s Our Top Contenders, What Key is This Song In? Kürschner Hurdy Gurdy Drone String. Often the cheap and poorly made ones don’t have a name on them, whereas the best have a reputable name of them. If you’re buying a used hurdy gurdy online, ask a bunch of qustions.
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