Yeah. (60) We'll take care of this guy. Could you help us out? (200) You win every year, don't you? (386) What does a girl have to do to go to bed with you? The chief. And acting isn't required of him in Magnum Force.[5]. What do you want? Web. (557) You endangered an entire investigation by trying to push something. Man, you work close. We were lucky to have one of your men here. Cat, starring Robert Loggia, and Tate starring David McLean. (484) Nick Royale, Palancio's No. (926) You just killed three police officers, Harry. I think we better get going. I've been working the convention. (2) It's okay, you're just in time. Maybe it's Harry. (243) There were 200 murders last year. (753) I got those warrants for a search of the premises, Callahan... (754) ...not for you to become judge, jury and executioner. (92) The boys now are checking the blood types and for fingerprints. The final scene of the movie is a close-up of Callahan's face as he says, "A man's got to know his limitations", before he walks away. (600) It was nice of that young man to help us with the children. (18) There's a big crowd. Davis' promptness draws Callahan's suspicion. (699) Yours is the most important, it'll be the first. [2] During filming Eastwood encountered numerous disputes with Post over who was calling the shots in directing the film, and Eastwood failed to authorize two important scenes directed by Post in the film because of time and expenses, one of them was at the climax to the film with a long shot of Eastwood on his motorcycle and he confronts the rogue cops. (932) A man's got to know his limitations. (686) Suppose they panic and start shooting? (101) Hey, Early, want to get in on this? (510) I've never been wrong yet, have I? (597) I'm going to take him home. The inspector surreptitiously activates the timer on the mail bomb; it explodes, killing Briggs. Their minds are dead. You can click here to refresh with a new set. All right get this thing up! One big mothering hole, huh? (801) What's more important if I'm right, I'll be sacrificed. (566) A traffic cop. (430) We ran all the slugs through ballistics. (2) I shan't ask you politely next time. Davis happened to be going by, it happens. (711) Did it sound like anybody you know? (172) I know you 10 years already, ever since I first came out here, you realize that? (756) Arresting a killer like Palancio isn't always simple. Nobody. (284) You know, Harry, if I ask you a personal question, would you mind? Don't you go setting off no alarm. (605) If I'd have been there sooner, he might still be alive. Ted Post, who also directed Eastwood in TV's Rawhide and the feature film Hang 'Em High, directed the second film in the Dirty Harry series. (897) History justified the vigilantes, we're no different. Get off my back! (520) You do things someone else's way and you take your life in your own hands. (339) Everybody thought they were queer for each other. Briggs insists that mob killer Frank Palancio is behind the deaths and obtains a warrant for his arrest. Have a little dinner with us. (787) What I'll lay on you seems so far-fetched, I can't even believe it myself. I don't feel very hungry. (67) This couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch. (261) Boy, sometimes they're too much for me. (223) Astrachan's a little better on a good day. (419) Nobody in my department is sitting on their ass. (927) And the only reason I'm not gonna kill you... (928) because I'm gonna prosecute you with your own system.

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