Get close to him, then jump up and use the mid-air dash. Metal → Air → Crash → Bubble → Heat → Wood → Flash → Quick, Alternate: Metal → Wood → Air → Bubble → Heat → Crash → Flash → Quick. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. This time though, they'll all be on level 96 and will have double the amount of health than the first time. Slash Man being the only one with a weakness from the first four means an obvious opening, while Cloud Man is a very easy stage and boss for a very versatile weapon. Use the W-Shredder to damage him heavily. I like Crash before Flash just to make the stage easier. You shouldn't have too much trouble beating Grizzly. After plenty of hits, he'll move across to the other side of the screen. Mega Man Boss Guides. Mega Man X3. A chart that lists damage values for each boss in Mega Man 5. They will be tough to beat, but you can use the same tactics as before to beat them. Once he starts moving again, by very careful, as he'll probably perform his sky dash attacks. He'll probably try to get an attack in before you can perform the attack, so get ready to dodge him again. It only takes a minute to sign up. Once he jumps out of the screen, keep moving and try to get in a hit as he flies down. Wily is using his robot's attack to cover his escape. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. He shouldn't be hard to beat. For the second half of the fight Gemini Man jumps when you press B, so you can force him to jump when you want to slide under him, again never taking at hit. While Gravity Hold does no damage to Wily Capsule, the flashing screen will reveal the position of the capsule, allowing the player to locate it before it would reveal itself normally. Use the E-Blade to destroy him. The first four is one loop, the second four is a different loop. However, It is also very possible to enter via Gemini once you know you actually control him. Use the Beam Saber's normal attacks and the C-Sword to beat him. Each time you hit him he'll be stunned for a few seconds. You'll easily be able to hit him, just jump and fire to perform the spin attack. Does it make any scientific sense that a comet coming to crush Earth would appear "sideways" from a telescope and on the sky (from Earth)? You'll need to be fast to dodge Squid's attacks. He'll start by jumping around, so try to stay away from him when he lands. Aqua Man is the easiest of the second loop, but Astro Man is also very easy if you use Tornado Hold. You'll need to be fast on your feet to dodge The Skiver's charge attacks. He'll use his whip attack where he throws the whip out across the screen, which then returns to him. is quite easy and allows you to fly over the final platform section of Snake. What are the bosses' weaknesses in Mega Man 2? Mega Man 5. Also use the C-Flasher, it'll inflict heavier damage on him. You'll notice that when Zero performs this attack, he won't fly directly up, he'll move to the side a bit, so perform the attack when you're standing a short distance from Izzy, otherwise you'll go too far and hit him, taking damage yourself. In any case, Mercury gives the Grab Buster which is excellent for lasting through some of the dangerous points in stages, as it heals you. Would a mouthpiece attachment that does the "work" invalidate the ritual use of the Shofar? Mega Man 5: Star → Gravity → Gyro Man → Crystal Man → Napalm Man → Stone Man → Charge Man → Wave Generally an accepted pathway, as Star Man's AI is really easy and the barrier is … Zero will fly through him and cause heavy damage to Squid. Once you hit him he'll be stunned for a few seconds so stand back until he stops flashing. Mega Man 7. Look!! Use the F-Splasher attack to defeat him. I sometimes start with Hornet first but you need to be quick on your feet to take him on first. He'll use the same attacks as he did in the previous battle, but he'll also use the large beam energy attack. You've probably never thought that this would happen, but here he is, Mega Man X listed as a boss. Mega Man X4. If the walls close, wait until the sun object returns to its position and the walls open again, this way you can fight the eyes easily. Each list has the bosses organized in an order which allows you to be able to use the correct special weapon or technique to defeat them with. It should be noted that Burst Man and Slash Man are BOTH weak against BOTH Freeze Cracker and Scorch Wheel. Ok, there is a lot here so I'll try to be brief: Alternate: Guts → Cut → Elec → Ice → Fire → Bomb. Author has published a graph but won't share their results table. He'll probably attack once he regains his balance, so get ready to move. Cold Man is one of the easiest, but with a weakness becomes the third easiest in the entire franchise after Metal Man and Wood Man (who each can get 1-hit-KO'd). You can try to use the E-Blade to hit the eye, but it's too risky, so just use the C-Sword. Category:Mega Man X5 bosses - MMKB, the Mega Man Knowledge Base - Mega Man 10, Mega Man X, characters, and more Mercury is also an easy stage with an easy boss. The following bosses will be fought in the final three Zero Virus stages. Keep blasting him with the dash-attack, but try to dodge him as best as you can. @Strix weapons on the previous working on the next, plus easy first boss. Once the battle begins, he'll activate the Ultimate Armor, but thankfully he won't use the Nova Strike. Mega Man 10. Please edit away. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Mega Man 6. There are two listings of the bosses here, one for X and one for Zero. He'll stay in the corners of the room for most of the time, so you shouldn't have too much trouble hitting him successfully. @Keaanu ok which ordering then? I recommend this route as Wood Man's stage is easy enough with Metal Blade, and Leaf Shield is nice to have for Crash Man's stage. X's Bosses will include the boss' attack patterns as well as how to defeat them, but Zero's will just have the method of defeating them. Tengu Man has a very basic stage and has a fairly easy pattern. Toad Man and Skull Man are also very easy AI, and popular openings to start the cycle. After all, at the time of its release (and for years afterward), this was the only Mega Man/X game that did not have Wily/Sigma as the final boss. rev 2020.11.4.37941, Sorry, we no longer support Internet Explorer, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, Do you mean every megaman game? Guts Man's stage is sometimes difficult, but his AI is a lot easier on a fresh start, and does less damage. There is a tendency for people to enter the Snake → Gemini → Needle → Snake loop via Snake. Galaxy → Jewel → Plug → Tornado → Magma → Hornet → Splash → Concrete, Alternate - Splash → Concrete → Galaxy → Jewel → Plug → Tornado → Magma → Hornet. Cloud Man → Junk → Freeze → Burst → Slash → Spring → Shade → Turbo. Use the C-Sword to beat Duff McWhalen. Ice Slasher is also nice to have in Fire Man's stage. Damage values listed ingrayare those obtained though cheat devices or in the game's coding itself, and are therefore not accessible during normal gameplay. Rip into him each time to deal out heavy damage. Once he regains his balance, he'll most likely charge at Zero, so get ready to move. Plant Man → Tomahawk → Yamato → Knight → Centaur → Wind → Flame → Blizzard, Alternate Flame → Knight → Blizzard → Plant Man → Tomahawk → Yamato → Centaur → Wind.

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