This distinctive dialect – with its regional variations – combines phrases of the old colonial masters with earthy local slang and the spoken words of Africa. There are as many gumbo recipes as there are cooks. [23], These theories are intermixed in the local legend of the Frying Pan Revolt, or Petticoat Insurrection. [8] Cajun gumbo is usually topped with parsley and green onions. En marzo de 2013, el Gobierno presentó un Libro Blanco para prevenir y combatir la violencia doméstica (Meld. bandarqdewapokerbandarqq qiu qiu 99 domino99 domino qiu qiu bandarq. When it is ready, the group eats and dances until midnight, when Lent begins. Okra is removed from heat when it reaches the desired consistency, while roux remains in the pot. [29], An 1824 cookbook, Mary Randolph's The Virginia House-Wife, was the first to include a recipe for gumbo. The lilting languages of the Caribbean have a rhythm all of their own: a lyrical sing-song patois characterised by a syncopated cadence and beat. Quality: Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. Eccentric, light-hearted and idiosyncratic: Caribbean natives also pluralize words, cut them short and meld them into one. By 1800, the slave trade had introduced new foods to Louisiana, including the African vegetable okra,[31] and hot pepper plants which likely came from Haiti. Gumbo is a veritable art form in Louisiana. What are your favourite Caribbean phrases? Gumbo (French: Gombo) is a soup popular in the U.S. state of Louisiana, and is the official state cuisine. Time longer than rope – You can never beat time, Plantain sucker follow the root – Children follow parents’ example. Reference: AnonymousWarning: Contains invisible HTML formatting, Cambio medio desde el nivel basal en el índice MELD. [7][13], Gumbo is usually identified by its dark roux,[8] cooked until it is a color "a few shades from burning". Last Update: 2015-08-05 Makak. [11], Ground sassafras leaf, known as filé, is generally not added to the gravy until after the vegetables and meats or seafood have finished cooking and have been removed from the heat source. German Catholics, obeying the Lenten rules, often served a stew made of seven different greens on this date. Okra and roux are cooked before other vegetables and seafood. What does meld mean in English? As the gumbo finishes cooking, green onions and parsley are sometimes sprinkled on it. The Government's White Paper on Equal Pay ( "Meld. Preparation for this variety of gumbo was time-consuming, and as Lenten restrictions have relaxed, the dish has become less popular. They served gumbo over corn grits, a pairing common in the stews of native tribes. You can try out cold pasta salad recipes that taste delicious because all of the flavors in the pasta and the salad mixture have been allowed to meld over some time. [41] The self-described "Gumbo Capital of the World", Bridge City, Louisiana, holds an annual Gumbo Festival. Using a smattering of local patois can help you converse like a Caribbean islander in a region where Creole patter rolls around the tongue with a word-rich rat-tat-tat rhythm. Quality: In this environment, cultures could influence each other and meld to create new traditions and cuisine. If added during the boiling process, filé makes the gumbo too ropey;[10] when added at the end, the gumbo gains a slightly stringy texture. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Cambio medio desde el nivel basal en el índice, Estos cambios se derivan del informe presentado al Parlamento de Noruega, 142. Meld: traer dos alas juntas de forma que ellas muestren su perfil. Gumbo can be made with or without okra or filé powder. [23], Gumbo could instead be a derivation of traditional French soups, particularly the fish stew bouillabaisse. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2011-10-23 [15] In modern times, ham or crabmeat is occasionally added to this type of gumbo. If desired, filé powder is added after the pot is removed from heat. We use cookies to enhance your experience. [23] The Spanish government actively recruited settlers for Spanish Louisiana. The dish simmers for a minimum of three hours, with shellfish and some spices added near the end. At that time, rice was a luxury for many Cajuns. Using a smattering of local patois can help you converse like a Caribbean islander in a region where Creole patter rolls around the tongue with a word-rich rat-tat-tat rhythm.

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