Sunsets are God's flares to warn Earth of the coming darkness. Sometimes I rise with the sun, or even before it, to just sit in harmony with my surroundings. Her experiences as vice-president of an energy consulting firm have given her the opportunity to explore business writing and HR. A sunset is the epitome of the every day. Sciences and Exploration. A Little Parenthesis In Eternity; All Heaven and Earth Are Still; A Teacher's Dream; Friendship, Love, and Truth; From Ancient History to Modern Consciousness; Campfires and Tranquility; Friendship and Pain; The Dawn of Awareness A sunset is a decrescendo of every day. The nature and study of human consciousness has been a compelling subject for me for more than twenty years. Sunsets are the bonfires of angels to celebrate every new phase of the moon. Another great post. first day of winter my walk extends We’ve linked to this before, but in case you haven’t seen it, check out Hank Green’s “Increasing the Awesome” video: In addition to communicating the science itself, science writing also endeavors to convey why this information is relevant to the public and to society as a whole. Describe the sunset by focusing on its brief, yet important, role in nature. But something else happens there, a very intriguing factor starts working, which covers the consciousness, and makes you come back to the waking life with the same foolishness with which you entered the state of sleep.”. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This #sunrise took my breath away last week capturing so beautifully the metaphor of each day being a new beginning in itself. There are some nocturnal creatures and plants that become active at night, but they must also slow down and conserve energy during the day, so it is necessary for all life to attend to the renewal of energy at some point. Who knew Martian technology was so applicable! As curriculum developer and educator, Kristine Tucker has enjoyed the plethora of English assignments she's read (and graded!) We are rejuvenated during sleep, and almost all of nature slows down at night and gathers energy for the morning. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could say to describe the beautiful sunset? There is a sense of peace upon first waking up in the early morning hours. A physicist may describe a sunset as the electromagnetic radiation from the Sun undergoing Rayleigh scattering as it passes through the atmosphere low on the horizon, causing the shorter blue wavelengths of light to be scattered away while leaving the longer red wavelengths to reach the observer. Her poem considers how the sunset transforms the natural world. After the loss of such a soul in my own life, I found myself confronted with the perplexing mystery, and had an unusual experience which gave me a rare insight, and I wrote about it in my journal: “Unable to sleep this morning, I sat out on the back porch and watched the sky brighten with the morning’s first light. Can you please give me a really good metaphor, simile, juxtaposition or oxymoron for a beautiful sunset, but not on the beach. ' You experience Satchidananda, here, Consciousness-Being, as such. Each ‘culture’ had its own distinct interpretation of the world around them, but neither had even the most basic content knowledge of the other discipline. what is the meaning of " begrudging gratitude"? The Earth is a beautiful place to behold, and sunrise is a phenomena one should take the time to experience once in a while. How long will the footprints on the moon last? I'd like to know what this text basically says.? There is no magic formula for coming to terms with the many varieties of loss we can experience in our lives, but eventually, as difficult as it is, we must find a way to move forward, as best we can, until the sorrow fades.
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