Intervention from a vet is very rarely needed as there is very little, (if anything), that they can do. Is that normal? This is one of the few times you can offer it to her and the babies without worrying about the calcium content. For true cavy lovers, the only thing may be a baby guinea pig. basically leave them on my own & do no longer shelter it as this might rigidity it & the mummy out. But I have read about guinea pigs to no end and everything Ive seen so far is that hard frequently biting isnt a normal behavior. In other words, it’ll be a place for them to feel secure. Male guinea pigs can become sexually active at 3 weeks (with minimal effectiveness but no less a nuisance). Just search for it on-line. Last week, we began to suspect that Churro was pregnant. Giving them a place to feel safe will help them be more willing to branch out later. Here’s Everything You Need to Know, Does Your Pet Hate the Vet? Hi Destiny, I got them from a biologist who breeds guinea pigs with her grandchildren and she told me that it was normal for them to loose the hair and that I just needed to put some special oil on it that she gave me. His popcorns are the CUTEST! Always consult with your local veterinarian if your experiencing something odd happening with your puppy. Make sure you start feeding them at a time you will be available. they should all be able to walk within hours of being born. In fact, Timothy Hay should be part of every guinea pig’s diet regimen. But from personal experience, the best way to build trust is by bribing baby guinea pigs with food and treats. He spends hours on Instagram browsing guinea pigs, wombats, hedgehogs, and Dungeons & Dragons. at 24 hours old it should be walking. Besides handling them with more care and being extra gentle, there are very few things that differ from adult guinea pig care. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Interest-Based AdsChewy Careers, Bringing a Puppy Home? Health complications tend to be the most frequent at such as early age. It’s an ungodly amount. The children have been handling small animals from rats to bearded dragons for years, so I am not worried about them harming them at all. This multi-purpose hay can be used as bedding and also food. Just double check any sugar content! If you are able to pair the male guinea pigs in some capacity with each other, it would be nice to keep the family together because male guinea pigs are difficult to pair, and the best pairings are brothers. Any friendly advice besides getting a cage mate? The mother is also taking really well to this baby guinea pig. We were afraid of tumors, so I immediately brought her to the veterinarian — and, oh my gosh, she was pregnant. She stimulates them to urinate and defecate by cleaning their bottoms periodically throughout the day. Please help me!! They will need to nurse for at least three weeks no matter what. And now they’ve been separated from possibly a sibling or at least a familiar cage-mate at the store. Make sure to check if the fruits/veggies are safe for your guinea pig. Long-haired guinea pigs like the Peruvian guinea pig or Silkie need to be groomed more often. I just adopted a 2 month old guinea pig. It shouldn’t take too long for them to come out of hiding and eat the treat. Keep repeating this process as you see fit. I just got a 3 month old guinea pig from Petsmart and noticed he didn’t want to eat his pellets with dried veggies and fruits is it a good idea to wet the pellets so they are soft for him to eat? Follow our guinea pig bathing tips to keep the experience safe and low-stress for them. Slowly approach them with your hand and gently start petting them. When to Get a Baby Guinea Pig. I just adopted a 3 week old sow . After you bring your new baby cavy back from the store or breeder, it’s time to ease them into your home (and theirs). newborn guinea pig will not walk? Is there anything cuter than a guinea pig? Their cages were so dirty! We feed him between a half cup to a full cup of fresh veggies a day, while he has unlimited Timothy hay and young piggie pellets and fresh water. Let’s be clear, a newborn guinea pig should not leave its mother’s side for at least 3 weeks. They may smell nice, but can lead to health concerns. Should I give her some time to come around them? I already have a 4 year old dog, should I get a second pet? Standing the guinea pig correctly (eg where limbs might be turned outwards) can help, also ensuring that a pig is encouraged to move if it is not doing so.
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