I will practise--”, Guy blinked and then crushed her in another hug. If that was her top running speed, the best she could hope to catch was a turtledove with a broken wing. “I told you, I have a potential mate. “That's a lot of water coming out of your eyes,” she said frankly. Fast. Lump shrugged. “What's wrong?” she asked, dully. My choice is always going to be you. His left hand she picked up and set on her lip. “These girls... at the stream and the ocean... they are your people. He then took her hand and gently brought it up to her arm. The Croods - Stuck In Tar: Grug (Nicolas Cage) and Guy (Ryan Reynolds) get stuck in tar, and Guy comes up with an idea to get them out. They were small – not even twenty people – but it was still new and not' just dangerous, Grug told them all, but super-dangerous. I do not love you. Guy is not to pleased about this. Eep's head snapped up at the sound of a woman screaming. Thus jumped into my head after reading a few of you doing post-movie fics and I wanted to try my hand at home. Eep was the quickest learner he'd ever seen. “You don't need that little cave-y anymore. “Those arms... those shoulders – surely it's like grabbing on to a man when you hold her. Guy's family tribe had made it perfectly clear that they intended to take their reclaimed Guy and mate him off to the blonde she-cat that was purring and licking her lips in Guy's direction, the same way the Li-yotes gazed upon their leftover food. “But I will one day. She crawled forward until she was right over its head, fingers digging into the animal's thick, spiky ruff, powerful thigh muscles clenching around its neck. Please respect me enough to know when to stop.”, “I do not understand what you see in her,” Lump said with a shudder. She could fight better than he could, her family having done everything together their lives. And now that she wasn't fixated on the chase, she could see it had a damaged paw. Then he released her hands and took a step back. These people were so wasteful with liquids. He had tried to do the same with Eep – she was of the age when clan's would be wanting to claim her as a mate to a member of their tribe, and Grug simply would not let his little girl be taken by anyone. Love comes later, usually when the children are born.” She rolled her hips against him, smiling as he responded. We were sliding into a maze of rocks. Eep had been quiet since they'd discovered his clan on the opposite end of the Tomorrow beach they'd first landed on. “Then what is it? - and his head shot upwards, startled by rustling leaves, to see Eep perched in the tree branches above them. “Do you see how we match?” she whispered, one leg between his, her knee playfully nuzzling his. Even Thunk, and that boy looked like he had the physique of a rhinocer-whale. She loved it. She landed with a thump and a growl on the back of the owl-cat. She brought a hand up, ready to hit – Guy? “Can't think of anything else I'd like more,” Guy said with a wet-sounding laugh. “It's what the elders were all talking about,” she said lowly. Guy's traps and trickery had made hunting so much easier, but there was something so primal and animalistic about getting down to the ground and powering across it, every muscle in her body corded and working together. “A simple cave-y like myself probably wouldn’t understand anyway.” And what did she care? I promise.” She stroked the tattoo on her inner thigh, barely visible due to the length of her skirt. I knew I would never want anyone else once I saw you that first night, when you beat me up and tried to take my fire.”, Eep opened her eyes, staring into his, searching for truth. “Your parents gave you to me in the event of their death. “Hold on!” she instructed loudly. Grug had loosened up quite a bit since arriving in Tomorrow, but he knew what clan meets could do, and he'd forbidden Ugga to go near them with the exception of the women when they went to the ocean to bathe and relax. Her orange-red hair, matted from the sweat of daily exertion and lightened by years of desert sun pouring down on it – when they were not in their cave, that is. He grunted to clear it. Someone I love. “She is young and inexperienced. Lump smiled coquettishly. Must have been from birth or a battle that took so much of it off. Your offspring will have strength, brains and good looks, perfect for setting high prices on future matches. Neither is Eep. She did not want to hear his words. “Eep... where did you get the idea that I need to mate so badly I'd be willing to throw you aside for just anyone?”, Eep shrugged her shoulders again, one arm coming up to rub the other. It's not you. “You ungrateful wretch of a boy,” he spat out. Anyway. “It's not you I wish to hold,” he said softly. It had been a way to encourage their child in his schemes and ideas, and allowed them to raise him with love, affection and praise - not subject him to the mockery of his people. Mostly, anyways. It stung and throbbed under the pressure, but she was used to worse pains. “I have said my piece,” he finished calmly. Zacka is a girl of the age 19. Guy's family tribe has been found and Guy has been promised to someone besides Eep. “It will help the bleeding stop quicker.”, She bit her lip and then nodded, doing as he directed. I heard you two speaking. They said you must be wanting to mate with your 'own kind' – a tall, thin stick person like yourself. Word Count: 4880. Guy had been smitten the day he first taken off his boar-snake head and tilted his head to the side to see her face at a better angle. Patriarch Grug (Nicolas Cage), his mate, Ugga (Catherine Keener), teenage daughter Eep (Emma Stone), son Thunk (Clark Duke) and feisty Gran (Cloris Leachman) gather food by day and huddle together in a cave at night. Why? Then a final one on her forehead. All of it was nothing compared to Eep. “Guy...?”, “My beautiful tiger girl..” Guy continued in that sweet, soft tone, creating butterflies in Eep's stomach. Guy watched, fascinated as it turned the same colour as Eep's owl-cat. Poor creature. The blood flowed cleanly but she wasn't worried about that. I am not ready to mate yet. Guy's family tribe has been found and Guy has been promised to someone besides Eep. EEP (V.O.) What happens when the croods find her on her (after the croods) she is as curious as Guy. No wonder it had risked attacking a group; it was starving. Made by movie fans, for movie fans. Her athletic figure framed in the skin-tight tiger-nary pelt that barely covered the essentials and yet Eep didn't try to flirt with it. 88 guests He had hold of her undamaged arm and was lifting it, much the same way she had lifted his back when they'd first met. All that muscle!”, Lump giggled and leaned forward against his shoulder, letting her long, soft hair brush against his arms. He didn't know what silk was, but he imagined it must be something smooth and soft, the way it rolled off his tongue in his imagination. Guy is not to pleased about this. I don't want you practising with anyone but me.”, Eep squeezed back and he felt her warm breath steal over his own ear, copying his action and earning the same reaction. Did you think I was lying to you?”. No wonder she hadn't chased after the owl-cat. Her face was calm but her eyes – oh, by the sun, Sun , her eyes – looked so broken. The idea that they thought she was a dumb 'cave-y', that she and her family had nothing to contribute to the clan by virtue of them being culturally and physically different from his tribe.... it was sheer idiocy. “See how you respond to my touch.”, Guy nodded and exhaled. Did she somehow forget how to run? So he faced his uncle calmly. How dare this woman speak of Eep in such a way? Her parents beamed proudly, and glared alternately at Guy for refusing their offspring. That was never a problem.” He smiled at her, reaching one hand to lift her chin up so he could see her eyes. The gentleness was what undid her, and she squeezed her eyes shut just as the water began to gather and flow down her face. With the Croods, there was no, 'male hunt, woman stay home and cook, gather, give birth'. He'd have to invent it later. Bare with me guys. This time as he did, he pulled her towards himself again – but pivoted, leaving Lump pressed against the tree. She always looked clean and bright, her clothing accentuating her long, lean frame and curvy hips and breasts. It growled back at her and shook its head, trying to throw her off, but Eep had an excellent grip and tons of experience in riding galloping critters. It doesn't mean the heart is involved.”. Scared. Except Guy. This woman had everyone in thrall, wherever she met. “That is exactly what I want.”. Her eyes locked on the owl-cat that had been following them the day before – it had crept up to the edge of the nomad camp and was running away – with someone in its mouth? “-said she'd be happy to mate with you.”, SO she'd been spying on all of his clan, not just him. She rubbed the strands around her pink lips, bringing his attention to her face. She stared at him as he moved back and then repeated his action on her other cheek. “You will not . She could smell the worry pouring off him in waves. I saw Grug try to punch Guy. She looked up to see Guy running towards her. That wasn't going to get the child back. “My baby!” moaned one of the nomad women, falling to her knees. “I do have an ample dowry,” she purred, crossing her arms and leaning forward, trying to show off just what part of her dowry was restraining. She growled and pumped her arms faster, legs pistoning faster than most people could clearly see. Eep dragged the child off her back and held it up by one arm, sniffing it to check for wounds. Her thoughts stuttered to a halt. His eyes were wide and scared-looking. “But let me. They liked to savour their food, to relax and devour it at their leisure. Guy wanted to tell Belt to smack him with a rock to break him free of the woman.

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